Understanding Brain Injuries That Were Caused By Car Accidents
It is an unavoidable fact that car accidents occur every day here in the United States. The seriousness of
these accidents can range from small collisions, concussions, to brain damage and even death.
Depending on the severity of your injuries from a car accident, you could end up in the hospital raking
up the medical bills and resulting in a great financial burden. You might find yourself stuck in a difficult
situation because on one hand, you might not have enough money to foot the bills, and on the other
hand, medical treatment is a necessity. Brain injuries from car accidents can be expensive to treat
because of the number of scans and the price of emergency medicine. As such, it is only beneficial to
hire a professional car accident lawyer to help you recover compensation for your losses.
What are the Causes of Car Accident Brain Injuries?
Typically, a car accident brain injury is termed as Trauma Brain Injury (TBI). This type of injury is usually
caused by an impact to the head that affects the function of the brain. There are many levels to how
serious a TBI can be, with permanent brain damage in the worst cases. Many factors can affect whether
or not you experience a TBI from a car accident. Some of these factors include the direction that your
car was hit from, the power of the impact, and whether you had a seatbelt on or not.
Different Kinds of Brain Injuries
Being in a car accident can cause you to have different types of brain injuries. Some of the kinds of injury
- Concussion: This is the most frequent kind of brain injury. As mentioned, concussions can be mild or can be extremely serious depending on the factors above. They can take a long period of time to heal and is caused by the expanding of the blood vessels in the brain.
- Penetrative brain injury: In the unfortunate case where pieces of loose metal or hard items penetrate the skull, the brain can be damaged very severely. The object can rupture the tissue and blood vessels in the brain and lead to serious medical problems or even death.
- Contusion: This is a type of brain injury that is caused by great trauma to the head, leading to the bleeding of the brain. In some cases, contusions might need to be removed via surgery.
Common Symptoms
It is also extremely important that you know what kind symptoms to look out for when it comes to brain injury. Sometimes, these symptoms might be hard to notice, so it is beneficial to be aware of what they are so that you will know when you should visit the doctor. Some common symptoms include the following:
- Blurry vision
- Memory loss
- Feeling giddy
- Headaches
- Nausea
- Behavioural changes
- Anxiety or depression
- Mood swings
In any case, regardless of how serious you think your brain injury is after a car accident, it would not hurt to visit a medical professional because it is better to be safe than sorry. Remember the symptoms to look out for and always ensure that your safety comes first. Additionally, have your attorney’s number on speed dial so that you know who to call if you ever get into a car accident.