When you face a fall accident, the path to getting the help and compensation you need is not always clear, especially when others deny responsibility. Fall accidents often involve complex situations where property owners or managers might not accept blame. At Corradino & Papa, LLC, we specialize in personal injury law, including fall accidents. Our expertise helps clients understand their rights and how to challenge these denials. Collecting evidence, like photos of the accident scene and witness statements, is crucial. These can be powerful in proving what happened.

Gathering Evidence and Documentation

The initial step in disputing responsibility denials is to gather solid evidence. Start by documenting the accident scene. Take clear photos of where the fall occurred, focusing on any hazardous conditions that contributed to the incident. If there were any visible obstacles or hazards, such as slippery surfaces or uneven walkways, capture them in detail.

Legal Consultation and Representation

Engaging a personal injury attorney is a wise choice when dealing with responsibility disputes. An experienced attorney can assess the strength of your case and provide invaluable guidance throughout the process. Look for an attorney well-versed in handling fall accident cases. They will represent your interests and work to build a strong claim against the party denying responsibility.

Communication with Insurance Companies

Dealing with insurance companies can be challenging, especially when they attempt to shift blame. Maintain clear and concise communication with your attorney as they negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf. Your attorney will help ensure that your rights are protected and that the insurance company is held accountable for its obligations.

Witness Statements and Testimonies

Eyewitness accounts can be powerful in disputing responsibility denials. Collect statements and testimonies from individuals who witnessed the fall accident. Their reports can corroborate your events and provide additional perspectives on the incident’s circumstances.

Pursuing a Personal Injury Lawsuit

If all else fails and the responsible party refuses to accept blame, pursuing a personal injury lawsuit may be necessary. Your attorney will guide you through this process, helping you file the lawsuit and representing your case in court if required. A successful lawsuit can compensate for your injuries, medical expenses, and other damages from the fall accident.

Stand Up for Your Rights After a Fall Accident

After a fall accident, building a solid case is critical. This involves gathering detailed evidence and getting medical documentation of your injuries. In fall accidents, showing the extent of your injuries and how the accident happened is vital. At Corradino & Papa, LLC, we work closely with clients to build their cases. We help gather the proper evidence and present it effectively. If you’ve been in a fall accident and are facing denials of responsibility, remember that you have rights. Legal experts like us can help you fight for what you deserve.

Contact us for guidance and support in your fight for fair compensation.

Call Us 973.574.1200

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JACK V. CORRADINO, ROBERT C. PAPA, JR., JOSEPH A. DEFURIA, TIMOTHY J. FONSECA, AND FRANCIS J. SWEENEY III ARE ALL CERTIFIED BY THE SUPREME COURT AS CIVIL TRIAL ATTORNEYS. Corradino & Papa, LLC is located in Clifton, NJ and serves clients in and around Newark, Irvington, Harrison, East Orange, Orange, Belleville, Hillside, Maplewood, South Orange, Kearny, West Orange, Elizabeth, Glen Ridge, Bloomfield, North Arlington, Vauxhall, Union, Montclair, Millburn, Lyndhurst, Nutley, Bergen County, Essex County, Hudson County and Union County. See All Locations Attorney Advertising. This website is designed for general information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship. The hiring of an attorney is an important decision. The information you obtain in this website is not, nor is it intended to be legal advice. You should contact an attorney for individual advice regarding your situation. Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances. No aspect of this advertising has been approved by the supreme court. Here are the criteria for the various awards we’ve won: Disclaimer : Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.

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