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Sober Rides Giveaway

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Corradino & Papa’s Sober Rides Initiative: A Safer Start to the New Year

At Corradino & Papa, LLC, we believe that celebrating the New Year should be filled with joy—not danger. That’s why we proudly launched our Sober Rides Initiative for New Year’s Eve, offering free Uber rides to Clifton residents to prevent impaired driving. As personal injury attorneys, we’ve seen firsthand the devastating impact of drunk driving accidents, and we wanted to take action to help keep our community safe. By covering the cost of Uber rides on one of the most high-risk nights of the year, we encouraged responsible decisions while ensuring that residents could enjoy their celebrations without putting themselves or others at risk.

New Year’s Eve is one of the deadliest nights for drunk driving incidents, with increased alcohol consumption leading to a spike in accidents. Our Sober Rides Initiative was designed to remove a common obstacle—the cost of a safe ride home—so that more people would choose to leave their cars behind. Partnering with Uber allowed us to provide an easy, accessible, and effective solution for the community. By taking a proactive approach, we aimed to prevent accidents before they happen and spread awareness about the importance of making responsible choices.

Our initiative was well received and even gained recognition in The Clifton Times and The Record, which highlighted the impact of our efforts to keep Clifton’s roads safer. We encourage you to check out these articles here and here to learn more about how our Sober Rides Initiative helped make a difference. At Corradino & Papa, we are committed to protecting and supporting our community in meaningful ways. As we step into the new year, let’s all commit to making responsible choices and looking out for one another—because at Corradino & Papa, we fight for you, on and off the road.