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Your Personal Injury Lawyer Will Ask You To Collect These Evidence Types

Evidence is the most crucial part of any legal case, particularly if you are trying to prove the negligence of another party. When it comes to personal injury cases, the amount of compensation you receive can hinge on the quality of evidence provided. Hence, it is likely that your lawyer will ask you to collect the below evidence types as well as assist you in doing so.

Photographs are key to documenting the scene of the accident as well as the victim’s injuries. Take photos from several angles and if possible, shoot a video as well. Make sure that the date and time where the photo is captured is accessible on your mobile phone or the digital prints. If necessary, you may need to return to the scene of the accident another day, within the same time period where it occurred, to capture photographic evidence.

Immediately after an accident, look around for people who could have witnessed what happened. Maybe they have seen an earlier accident occur and could provide some valuable insights into how your accident happened. Take down their contact information, which will allow your lawyer to interview them at a later point.

Physical evidence can include items such as bloodied clothing or a damaged windscreen. While there is almost definitely a digital copy of medical records such as bills, receipts and diagnoses, it is always wise to store the hard copies safely upon receiving them.

After an accident has occurred, record down the events as they happened at your earliest opportunity. If you wait until some time has passed, it is likely that your memory may not be as reliable and it can be used to discount your testimony. Write in great detail and try to add in facts like the date and estimated time if possible. This can be used to help your lawyer understand the exact circumstances surrounding your case as well as help you recall further details later on.

Have you sustained an injury due to the negligence of another party? Whether you have been involved in a transport accident or are injured by a product or service you have purchased, your best bet of obtaining justice and maximizing compensation would be to engage a personal injury attorney. The compensation that is due to you after a personal injury case can extend beyond medical bills to include loss of wages, pain and suffering, wrongful death and more.

When you engage our services at Corradino & Papa, LLC, our experienced lawyers will be with you every step of the way throughout the evidence gathering process. When necessary, we can engage expert witnesses to help in building a strong case. If you would like to discuss a case, please feel free to contact us.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.