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Four Ways You Can Get Injured During Winter (and How You Can Get a Settlement You Deserve!)

(and How You Can Get a Settlement You Deserve!)

During winter, New Jersey can be severely cold, windy, wet and snowy, meaning accidents and injuries are bound to happen. If you think that somebody else is to blame for your injury, you deserve compensation. Here are four common ways people sustain injuries during the colder months in New Jersey.

Ice Skating Injuries

While figure skating can be a graceful, beautiful and challenging practice, it can also be a dangerous one. Perfecting this sport is not only difficult but also highly dangerous, which is why injuries are far from uncommon. Blades, hard ice, skates, and cold muscles are just some factors that make ice skating a far-from-straightforward hobby. Even the most seasoned of skaters can fall victim to accidents, which is why trainers should never push any learners too hard, whether they’re novices or professionals.

Skiing Injuries

The interest in skiing has grown over the years, and it’s easy to see why when it’s such an adrenaline-fueled sport that takes riders up beautiful, snow-laden mountains with extraordinary views. However, knee injuries, wrist sprains, and lower leg fractures are common. Incidentally, spinal cord and brain injuries are on the rise. If you sustain an injury while skiing due to inadequate instruction, chairlift malfunctions or equipment failure, you may be able to claim compensation.

Snowboarding Injuries

Like skiing, snowboarding is growing in popularity, as are the number of injuries that result from it. The most common injuries are the same as those listed in the section above. Again, if you get hurt while snowboarding and feel as if the resulting injury was not your fault, you may have a case to claim for compensation.

If any of the following applies to you, you may be able to file a lawsuit:

  • You collided with a snowboarder or skier who behaved recklessly or carelessly
  • You skied or snowboarded on terrain that was improperly maintained
  • Your instructor attempted to take you on slopes or tackle challenges that were beyond your capability level

We all know that some accidents are unavoidable regarding sports such as skiing and snowboarding. Nevertheless, if you’ve sustained an injury that has adversely affected your quality of life and you’re not to blame, you should fight for a fair settlement with the help of a personal injury lawyer.

Slip and Fall Injuries (Icy Sidewalks)

During winter, many US states, including New Jersey, experience extreme weather conditions. Daytime temperatures can remain below freezing for days on end, and this causes roads, sidewalks and parking lots to become slippery. Property owners that allow the public to use their land have a legal responsibility to ensure their surfaces are as unhazardous as possible. Therefore, if you trip or fall on private or even public property due to somebody’s negligence, you may be able to claim compensation.

Call Our Injury Lawyers Today

At Corradino and Papa, LLC, we specialize in a wide range of personal injury claims, including those listed above. If you’ve sustained an injury that wasn’t your fault – regardless of how severe – you at least deserve to find out whether you’re entitled to compensation. Call us to find out whether you have a case. You can trust us for honest legal advice.