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Why Are Children Susceptible To Dog Attacks?

All too frequently, children are injured as a result of dog attacks. Where is the most likely place for a dog attack to occur? Believe it or not, the home of the victim rates number one. Rating second is the home of the victim’s friend. The chance for a child to be bitten by a dog is relatively great, but the chance they will be seriously injured from that bite is even greater. Particularly vulnerable to family dog attacks are children under four years of age.

There are some statistics regarding dog bites:

  • Children account for half of all dog bite victims
  • Medical treatment is required by 12% of adults being bitten by dogs
  • Approximately 26% of children bitten need to see a doctor or visit the emergency room

Why are children such likely victims of dog attacks, even in their own homes? What can we do to prevent children from being attacked by dogs?

Sudden Movements

The movements of children can be unpredictable. For dogs, this creates a source of anxiety. Dogs can react suddenly to children hitting them, pulling their ears, putting fingers in their mouth or eyes, pulling on their tail, etc. Before you know it, the child is injured.

The Size of the Child

For the most part, a dog and an infant should never be left alone together. Because children are so small, they are easy targets and just too much of a temptation for some dogs. Couple that with children not knowing how to act around a dog, and it can be a recipe for disaster.

Guard Dogs

Even though a dog may not officially be classified as a “guard dog”, most dogs will guard their premises, toys, food, etc. Children don’t always understand this. Just because a child wants to play with a dog doesn’t mean that the dog has the same idea. Particularly when it applies to sharing their toys. Children don’t know yet – as most adults have already learned – that one should always approach a dog cautiously, especially when they are around their food, toys, bed, etc.

Teaching Your Kids

It’s important to teach a child very early the right way and wrong way to interact with a dog. They should never approach a strange dog under any circumstances. Even family dogs should be handled with care. No pulling on ears, tail, paws, and more. The child should never take a toy away from a dog or even attempt to. They should never go near the dog’s food or water either.

Dogs should never be teased under any circumstances. If a child is born into a home with a dog, right from the very beginning, they must be instructed as to the right way and wrong way to act around that dog. If you are introducing a dog into a home where a child already lives, it’s important to figure out ahead of time if this situation is going to work for all parties concerned. Don’t bring a dog into a home if the child doesn’t seem capable of acting appropriately or if the dog seems too nervous around children.

Count On Corradino & Papa, LLC for Your Dog Bite Case

Has your child been bitten by a dog? If so, you may well deserve compensation. To help you mount a case, the attorneys at Corradino & Papa, LLC will analyze the facts regarding your incident, help with your medical records, investigate the dog’s ownership, examine the medical history of the dog, and more.

When it comes to competency in handling dog bite cases, the attorneys at Corradino & Papa, LLC excel. To maximize the compensation you receive for damages such as medical costs, we work in conjunction with a network of support staff, investigators, and medical experts.

Take the first step toward receiving compensation for your child’s dog bite – contact us today.