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Who Is Liable For A Lawsuit After A Truck Accident?

Truck accidents are common and happen often in the country. Victims of such accidents can take action and investigate these crashes. One of the best things for victims to do is to seek help from a truck accident lawyer, who has the knowledge and expertise in conducting investigations to get to the bottom of who may be liable for these accidents.

When conducting an investigation, the primary aim is to determine liability. Once a party is found liable for the accident, the party has the legal responsibility to compensate a victim for medical bills, lost wages, trauma and more. Sometimes, several parties can be held liable. Liability depends on whether a party involved in the accident has neglected their duty to be responsible in protecting others. There are some things you can do to determine truck accident liability.

Photos can be taken by your phone camera. You should take pictures of all the trucks and vehicles involved, and other relevant features like road signs, traffic controls, skid marks and damage to vehicles.

Exchange your contact numbers, names and insurance information. Avoid making any statements that could be incriminating about the crash, and let the police conduct their investigations.

Take note of witnesses who were at the scene when the accident occurred. You record what the witness had seen or heard. Remember to take down their names and contact numbers as well.

Police working on your case may request for information. You should cooperate with them and give them all the information they need. Subsequently, you can call up the agency to get a copy of the police report with all the accident’s details.

Seeking medical treatment can not only help to protect your health, but can also serve as evidence on the physical harm you have suffered due to the crash.

Once you have calmed down, you should also try to record down details you remember that led up to the accident in case you forget any information in the future.

When you have been involved in a truck accident, you should contact your insurance company and provide the facts of the accident to your insurer. You do not have to give a recorded statement to the insurance company. Avoid speaking to the other parties’ insurance companies until you have spoken with a lawyer who represents you.

It is important to act quickly and efficiently when a truck accident occurs. The longer you wait, the more likely vital evidence may be lost. Conduct your research, and hand your case over to a lawyer you can trust. You can also pass them all the information you have collected and they can carry on the investigation for you.

If you are involved in a truck accident and need help determining who is liable for a lawsuit, our team of experienced lawyers from Corradino and Papa, LLC can help you with your case. Contact us today to receive a free consultation.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.