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When Is The Right Time To Commence A Dog Bite Lawsuit?

Millions of people get bitten by dogs every year and medical attention can be required even for minor cases. Victims can also suffer emotional turmoil, developing a phobia towards dogs or of stepping out of the house in general. You may be wondering if you have legal recourse towards the dog’s owner following an accident. While a lawsuit is unlikely, you can bring up an insurance claim to receive compensation for the medical bills you have sustained as well as other unquantifiable costs such as pain and suffering.

The owner of the dog can usually be held responsible after a victim has been bitten by their dog. However, if they refuse to settle it privately, you have legal recourse. Whether they will be held liable largely depends on state laws and the circumstances surrounding your accident. When in doubt, your best bet would be to engage an experienced personal injury attorney who can evaluate your case and advise on the wisest course of action.

In most states, the dog’s owner will be liable for any injuries you sustain as a result of the bite. However, there are certain circumstances that can absolve them of liability, including:

  • If you were trespassing on private property and got bitten by a dog that belonged there
  • If you deliberately provoked the dog
  • If you knowingly approached a dog that has a history of attacking people
  • … and more

If the victim is a child, chances are, you will receive a larger settlement. This is due to their small size making them more vulnerable to physical attacks, on top of being more prone to emotional trauma due to their young age. If you intend to pursue a settlement for your personal injury accident, an experienced attorney can help you negotiate for a fair sum, which will depend on several factors.

Have you or a loved one sustained injuries as a result of a dog bite? Does the owner refuse to reach a private settlement with you? If that is the case, your best bet of obtaining justice and maximizing compensation would be to engage a personal injury attorney. The compensation that is rightly due to you can extend beyond medical bills to include loss of wages, pain and suffering and more, especially if the victim is a young child.

When you engage our services at Corradino & Papa, LLC, our experienced lawyers will be with you every step of the way from communicating with the dog’s owner to negotiating a fair settlement. We have years of experience in building strong cases for our clients and will fight for your best interests every step of the way. If you would like to discuss a case, please feel free to contact us.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.