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What You Need To Know About Winter Personal Injury Cases

Many different types of accidents, at any time of year, can result in personal injuries. During the winter months, however, it’s more common to see personal injuries. The ground is, after all, frequently covered with ice and snow. In winter, for anyone who sustains personal injuries, it’s critical to realize, for those injuries, someone else may be responsible. Regarding winter personal injuries, there are several things that could be considered vital information. We’ll take a look at those here.

Courtesy of wintry conditions and winter weather, it would seem there are a number of personal injuries that can occur. However, someone else’s negligence could be responsible for those injuries or at least be a contributing factor. You may be successful in filing a negligence claim when one or more of the following injuries occur during winter weather. These are common examples seen all the time:

  • While driving on the road, the person behind you did not leave a distance between you and their car that could be considered sufficient. This comes despite information regarding icy conditions, icy bridges, and roadways.
  • A driver was involved in a serious accident because, when roadways became dangerous due to sleet or snow, the driver did not slow down.
  • A potential customer fell or slipped because dripping umbrellas and snow boots caused puddles around the property of the business and the owner did not clean up the liquid.
  • A potential customer fell or slipped on the ice when in a parking lot, on a walkway, or steps, because salt was not spread out by the owner of the business (restaurant, retail store, supermarket).
  • A guest fell or slipped because there was moisture in a home entryway (from boots, tracked in snow) and the owner of the home did not clean it up.
  • A neighbor fell or slipped on the ice because salt was not applied on a walkway or steps by the homeowner.

Statute of Limitations

If in wintry weather, you sustained an injury at the fault of someone else, you will likely need to file a lawsuit within three years from the date of injury against the party you feel was negligent. This can vary, depending on where you live. Your best course of action is to seek the advice and assistance of an attorney as soon as you are injured.

Trust Corradino & Papa To File Your Winter Personal Injury Claim

If you were injured by a slip and fall on the ice or snow, or if you were involved in a motor vehicle accident due to icy roads, it may be the fault of someone other than mother nature. If you feel someone else’s carelessness or negligence was to blame, don’t wait another minute to get in touch with the professionals at Corradino & Papa. We will do everything in our power to help you get the compensation you’re entitled to.

If you have been injured, let us do all the heavy lifting while you just worry about getting well.

Fill out our convenient online form to book a free consultation at no obligation to you.