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What You Need To Know About Toxic Exposure At Construction Sites

The construction industry in the United States is one that is extremely lucrative. This is especially so in the big cities where change is constant. Take New York City for example, it is almost impossible to walk around the city without seeing some kind of construction site. However, we must be mindful to beware of the dangers that we might encounter at construction sites. One of the most serious problems that workers and professionals face at construction sites is that of toxic exposure.

Common Forms of Toxic Substances at Construction Sites

Although the OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) ensures that safety regulations are enforced to prevent the case of overexposure to toxic substances, toxic exposure is a major problem for many industrial workers. Some of these substances that are harmful to professionals at construction sites include:

Mold: Mold is a common occurrence in properties that are older and in buildings that have been affected by water damage. As such, plumbers and construction crews are at the highest risk of exposure. Even demolition crews have to be aware of the risks and effects of mold exposure.

Asbestos: This group of minerals can be extremely hazardous to our bodies. Whenever the asbestos fibers are disturbed, they can become airborne and enter our respiratory systems and cause serious illness. Whenever there is construction or demolition, asbestos-containing materials can get disturbed and affect the health of workers.

Dust: The most common toxic substance at construction sites is dust. Dust contains many different toxic particles and can cause a wide range of medical issues as well. Bear in mind that breathing in construction dust daily can be very dangerous to construction workers in any situation.

Lead: Lead poisoning was very common in the past because of the lead used in old paint. Although it is not used in paint anymore, it can be found in old buildings and can become airborne during construction or renovation activities.

Acids: The poisonous fumes from acids found at construction sites can damage our bodies and cause detrimental long term effects on our health.

Preventing Illness and Injury from Toxic Exposure

If you want to remain in the peak of health at the construction site, make sure that you follow all the safety regulations at the workplace. It is also extremely important that you put on the necessary safety or protective gear. Prevention is always better than cure and if you see that it is dusty, put on a dust mask at all times. Additionally, use building materials that are non-toxic and safe to further prevent any toxic exposure from happening.

Compensation from Toxic Exposure

People who are subjected to constant toxic exposure have a higher risk of suffering from medical problems such as cancer, respiratory issues and even chronic fatigue. Therefore, it is essential that you have a professional and competent attorney who can help to represent you in such cases and help you recover the compensation to pay for your medical bills or lost of wages.