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What You Need To Know About Black Ice Car Accidents

Black Ice car accidents are one of the most tragic road incidents that occur during the winter and snowfall season in the US. It’s called black ice because when moisture particles freeze, they form thin layers of ice on the roads and pavements that look exactly as the color of the road. These moisture layers are transparent, unlike freezing rain water that may give a shiny appearance due to the presence of air bubbles. Black ice on the other hand is clear and transparent, and hence, the driver behind the steering wheel can barely see it when on the road. That’s the reason why road accident incidents start to rise in the winter months.

Every year in the US, over 1300 people lose their lives to car accidents that result from icy roads and pavements, while 116,800 people suffer through severe injuries because of these accidents.

In this blog, we’ll tell you all you need to know about black ice accidents and how to prevent an accident waiting to happen.

Must-Knows Of Black Ice Accidents

Here’s an account of all the details you need to know before you hit the road during the winter season:

Where Is Black Ice Found The Most

Black ice is formed on those roads where the sunlight doesn’t reach as it should, keeping the moisture content below the freezing temperature at all times. Black ice is also found on roads, bridges, and tunnels that are not frequently used.

How To Prevent Black Ice Accidents

The safest preventive measure against black ice accidents is to stay at home during extreme conditions and only head out when you genuinely need to. But since that’s not possible at all times, small steps you can adhere to prevent black ice car accidents are:

  • Slow down your driving speed as soon as you feel you’re losing traction on the road. That could be a black ice road.
  • Consciously refrain from aggressive jerks and brakes.
  • Ensure your handling of the steering wheel is light and subtle.
  • Never drive with active cruise control on roads suspicious of black ice.
  • Keep your headlight on post daylight hours.

How To Counter A Black Ice Skid

As soon as you sense a slip-on on a suspicious black ice road, don’t panic and patiently take control of your wheels in these ways:

  • For an all-wheel-drive, gently pull your brakes as you steer your car out of the skid if you don’t have antilock brakes. If you do, then apply the brakes as usual.
  • If you’re driving on the rear wheel, gently steer your car in your desired direction, then subtly press the accelerator.
  • While driving on the front-wheel, move the steering wheel in the direction of your skid. Don’t use the accelerator or brakes.

Know Your Rights

In particular cases of black ice accidents, you have legal rights. Examples of such cases could be:

  • When you run into a black ice car accident on a road that someone else is responsible for cleaning and maintaining, you can file a case.
  • If you become a victim of another vehicle’s poor driving on a black ice road and fall into an accident, you can subject the driver to a lawsuit.

The Bottom Line

Having a better understanding of driving on icy roads is crucial to avoid these terrifying black ice road accidents. Choose the routes you’re sure about in terms of safety and avoid aggressive moves. Be as gentle and subtle as possible and always adhere to standard winter driving precautions.

Choose Corradino & Papa, LLC For Black Ice Car Accidents.

Have you run into a black ice car accident because of another party’s carelessness? If so, let the experienced attorneys at Corradino and Papa, LLC, assist you in fighting for a fair settlement. Contact us today for a free consultation.