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What To Avoid When Driving Your Car This Spring

Spring is almost here, which means warmer weather and longer days. Spring also means no more snow and ice on the roads. Most drivers believe that better weather means safer driving conditions because we don’t have to worry about slipping on icy roads or getting stuck in snowstorms.

Driving your car in spring poses a number of road hazards that drivers must be aware of. This article will discuss some of the most important points to keep in mind to ensure you and your family have a safe drive.

Tips for a Safe Drive in the Spring

The below are some crucial tips to consider while driving your car in spring. They can help avoid road accidents and personal injuries during the season.

  • Potholes that form during the winter months can cause damage to your vehicle and accidents. Try to spot and avoid potholes while driving your car in spring.
  • Sun glare is a major concern for many drivers. Try to avoid glare using shades or sunglasses.
  • With warmer weather comes an increase in motorcycles and bicyclists, which may increase the risk of injury.
  • More children will be out playing and may dart into the roads without warning, necessitating cautious driving in neighborhoods.
  • Increased wildlife activity, particularly in rural areas, necessitates increased attention to the road in order to avoid hitting animals while driving.
  • Frequent rain storms bring beautiful flowers, but stagnant water makes the roads slick and can cause eye damage.

Common Mistakes to Avoid During Driving in the Spring

  • Allow plenty of space between your vehicle and the vehicle ahead of you. Some experts recommend leaving at least three times the space you would normally leave in dry weather.
  • Turn on your lights, even if it’s during the day.
  • Overpasses, bridges, ramps, and other elevated roadways can become water clogged in flash floods, and thus stay tuned to the weather updates.
  • If your windshield develops condensation, turn on your A/C.
  • Know your brakes and use them early. According to experts, the best way to break in the snow if your vehicle has ABS is to use smooth, steady pressure on the brake.
  • In slippery conditions or in prolonged rains, do not use cruise control.
  • Slowly accelerate and decelerate. Don’t make the mistake of believing that your 4WD SUV gives you an advantage in the rainy season. While 4WD can help your vehicle power through difficult conditions, it will not help your vehicle make sudden stops on slippery roads.
  • Keep all of your windows and windshield debris that could obstruct your vision. Most importantly, slow down during heavy rains!

Keep Spring Beautiful and Driving Safe

Nothing beats getting out on the open road and enjoying the beautiful spring weather. However, keep in mind that a lovely spring drive can instantaneously become disastrous without warning. You can reduce your chances of being involved in a situation that could severely damage your car and seriously injure yourself, your passengers, other drivers, pedestrians, and animals by being aware of the driving hazards associated with the spring seasons and knowing how to navigate them.