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What Should You Do After Being Injured In A Truck Accident?

Truck accidents can always cause severe consequences to our health and bodies. They are extremely dangerous and claim many lives every year. They can cause major injuries that can alter your way of life forever. However, if you know that the truck accident was a result of the negligence of another party, then the best thing you should do is to hire a truck accident lawyer. They will not only be able to help you navigate the complexities of the legal system, but they can advise you on what the next best course of action in the process of claiming compensation.

It is very important to understand that if you are involved in a truck accident, your immediate actions after the collision can affect your chances of securing monetary compensation. Below are some pieces of important advice for all truck drivers.

In any kind of accident or collision on the road, once you have established your own safety, the first thing you should do on the scene is to call the police immediately. If you see that anyone has been injured, make sure you dial for an ambulance as well. You can expect your local law enforcement to arrive shortly after to carry out an investigation of the accident. They will interview you and the other party, or any other witnesses around. They will then key in this information into a police report. You should always ask for an extra copy so that you can keep it for yourself. Once you have contacted the police, you should contact your insurance provider and attorney as well.

Once you have been in a truck accident, another important action to take is exchanging the important information between you and the other party involved. This is important because if you do not obtain this information at this stage, it can make it harder for you to process your claim or identify the negligent party. Some of these details include the name, address and license number of the other party. Be sure also to get their contact number. You should also get the name of the trucking company, and the insurance details of the negligent. Needless to say, it is always wise to jot down the license plate numbers and description of the vehicles involved. To be safe, you should also obtain the contact information of the other party’s employer.

Once can never underestimate the power of collecting evidence. Even before you hire your truck accident lawyer, you should already have collected the important pieces of evidence that are relevant to the accident. You should always try to obtain as many details about the accident as possible. For example, if you notice that there were witnesses to the truck accident, you can also ask for their contact numbers so that you can reach them if you need their statement for your claim.

With the advancement in technology, we can now snap photos of the accident with our mobile phones. Be sure to capture photos of the damage to your vehicle, the extent of property damage and possibly the condition of the tyres on the other truck.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.