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What Should Hit And Run Accident Victims Do After The Crash?

The number of hit and run accident victims are on the rise throughout the nation. From 2013 to 2016, the number of hit and run accidents that resulted in death in New Jersey increased by 38%. Non-vehicle occupants – pedestrians and cyclists – make up the bulk of this figure, with an approximate 68% nationwide. However, anyone can become the victim of a hit and run accident, whether you are a pedestrian, cyclist or driver.

What should you do when you find yourself in a hit and run accident? Naturally, some people might panic and become unable to think rationally. Nevertheless, there are some important things you can do to minimize the severity of your injuries, as well as ensure the offender gets caught.

Move to a safe location

The first and most important thing you can do immediately after an accident, if physically possible, is to move away from ongoing traffic. If you are in the direct path of traffic and are physically able to do so, move to a sidewalk or the side of the road. If you are unable to move, see if anyone around is able to assist you.

Call for medical help, and notify the police

It goes without saying that the sooner you call for medical help, the better your chances are at making a full recovery in the shortest possible time. As you have been the victim of a hit and run, it is important to call the police immediately as well. If you are physically unable to make these calls, have someone else do it.

Recall important information

While waiting for the police to arrive, call to mind details of the vehicle that hit you. Things like the model, color and license plate number are distinguishing features that will significantly narrow down the search. If you managed to catch a glimpse of the driver, a description of their appearance can be incredibly helpful as well. When the police arrives, this information will be taken down to assist them in locating the driver and vehicle.

Gather witnesses and evidence

As soon as you are able, and if you believe it will help your case, take photos of the scene and consult with witnesses. It is important to get their contact information as sometimes, a witness who observed the accident from a different angle can give huge credibility to your case.

Seek Legal Help Immediately as a Hit and Run Accident Victim

Although the law must putt the proper penalties to hit and run offenders, this will not automatically give you the compensation you deserve. Being a hit and run accident victim can incur numerous financial obligations – besides the medical bills, you may be deprived of your income for a period of time while physically unable to work, or require long-term rehabilitation. To fight for the compensation you deserve, you will need the help of an experienced hit and run accident attorney.

At Corradino & Papa, LLC, we are committed to obtaining the best possible results for our clients and have a track record of obtaining millions of dollars in compensation each year. Contact us to start your free consultation today.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.