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What Makes A Good Personal Injury Lawyer?

When dealing with a personal injury case, you will need an experienced and knowledgeable lawyer on your side. With so many lawyers out there, how do you tell what makes a good personal injury lawyer? We share with you some key factors to look out for when choosing a lawyer to advocate for your interests after a personal injury accident.

A good lawyer will have extensive knowledge of the law in all instances where it applies to your case. If the lawyer you have engaged seems to specialize in many different areas of law, that may be a sign that they do not have in-depth knowledge when it comes to personal injury claims. You can easily determine this by the way they discuss your case – they should be picking out specific instances where the law applies to the facts of your case instead of speaking generally. In addition, knowledgeable lawyers understand that the law is always evolving and keep themselves up to date on the latest statutory changes and industry happenings.

Of course, personal injury lawyers are not physicians and you would not expect them to give you medical advice. However, when it comes to injury litigation, having a firm understanding of the diagnostic criterion, prognoses and estimated costs of a specific injury or condition is essential. If necessary, they should be able to refer you to licensed medical providers to get you the evidence or expert testimony you need.

When it comes to cross-examining witnesses, a good personal injury lawyer should be able to make use of the abovementioned facets of knowledge to pin down the facts and get you the fairest settlement.

Sometimes, there may be things you do not want to hear about the weakness of your claim. However, a good lawyer will always make these facts known to you and advise you on how to address these weaknesses. You do not want a lawyer who hides such details from you which could prove to be a disadvantage when it comes to your claim or trial.

Does the lawyer you have selected have experience in handling personal injury cases? Do they have a successful track record in successfully obtaining settlements? When in doubt, the wisest choice would be to go with experienced lawyers who have been in the game for years – they are less likely to steer you wrong.

At Corradino & Papa, LLC, we have more than twenty-five years of experience helping personal injury victims. This is in addition to the decades of combined experience our attorneys have when it comes to specific areas of personal injury law. Over the years, we have represented thousands of satisfied clients and successfully obtained millions of dollars in compensation, so you can enjoy peace of mind when you come to us.

If you have a personal injury claim, you can count on expert representation from Corradino and Papa, LLC. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.