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What Is The Penalty For Hit And Run In New Jersey?

Did you know that the number of fatal hit and run accidents in New Jersey went up by 38% between 2013 and 2016? Unsurprisingly, majority of the cases involve pedestrians, unprotected as they are unlike car drivers. But do not get lulled into a false sense of security – hit and run accidents can happen to anyone, whether you are a vehicle driver, cyclist or pedestrian. However, the severity of your injuries and the extent of insurance coverage you are entitled to may differ depending on individual circumstances.

Types of Hit and Run Accidents

Hit and run accidents can occur between different parties:

  • Pedestrian Hit and Run Accidents: Pedestrians are particularly vulnerable to fatal hit and run accidents without the body of a vehicle to protect them. When the driver flees the scene, it could be akin to signing the victim’s death warrant as the immediacy of medical care can make the difference between life and death.
  • Cyclist Hit and Run Accidents: Even protective gear worn by cyclists do not offer complete protection in the face of a car collision. Victims can face severe injuries such as bone fractures that require surgery or rehabilitation. In serious cases, the injury can even be life-changing. As children and young people make up a large proportion of cyclist hit and run accidents, they will need someone to fight for their rights.
  • Multiple Vehicle Hit and Run Accidents: Although you are more protected from a crash than a pedestrian would be, victims of multiple vehicle hit and run accidents have also suffered life-changing injuries. Besides that, there is the damage to your vehicle to think of and repair costs to pay for. Furthermore, if you are a passenger, you may not have an insurance policy and end up having to pay loads in medical bills.

Penalties for Hit and Run Accidents in New Jersey

Needless to say, fleeing the scene of an accident is a crime in New Jersey. Offenders can face up to one or more of the following penalties:

  • In cases of injury or death: A fine ranging from $2,500 to $5,000, a jail term of up to 180 days or both. License suspension for a year, and permanent suspension for repeat offenders.
  • In cases of damage to vehicle and/or property: A fine ranging between $200 and $400, a jail term of up to 30 days or both. Licenses suspension for six months, or a year for repeat offenders.
  • Depending on individual circumstances, more serious charges that come with heavier penalties may be applied.

Seek Legal Help Immediately as a Victim of a Hit and Run Accident

If you have been the victim of a hit and run accident, it is important to engage the services of an experienced attorney immediately. You may trust the law to visit justice on the offender, but that does not help with the numerous financial obligations you have incurred. Besides medical bills, this can include a loss of income due to being out of work and the cost of future care and rehabilitation.

At Corradino & Papa, LLC, we specialize in representing victims of accidents and personal injuries. We are committed to obtaining the best possible results for our clients and have a track record of obtaining millions of dollars in compensation each year. Contact us to start your free consultation today.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.