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What Is The One Bite Law And Does It Apply In New Jersey

When it comes to dog bites and owner liability, there is something referred to as the “One Bite Law”. Basically, it states the following:

If an owner doesn’t know their dog has a propensity to bite, or if they had no reason to suspect it, but the dog does bite someone, the dog owner may not be held liable for the bite victim’s losses. Owners are put on notice, however. Once their dog bites, for any subsequent bites, they will be held responsible. Unfortunately, some dog owners think that this is a free ticket – they get one “free” bite – before they’ll face any financial liability or legal proceedings.

New Jersey and the One Bite Rule

The One Bite Rule is not followed in New Jersey. Even for the first dog bite incident, New Jersey dog owners can be held liable. Even if the dog owner was not at fault, and there is no negligence found, they can still be held responsible and liable for any injuries received if and when their dog bites someone.

What does that mean for New Jersey residents? If you get bitten by a dog, it’s going to be easier for you to recover compensation. You may have to take the dog owner to civil court with a personal injury claim or file a claim with the insurance policy of the dog owner (if applicable). If the following is true and you were bitten by a dog in New Jersey, under the law, you may be entitled to significant compensation:

  • You did not engage in any provocation that would lead the dog to bite you.
  • At the time of the bite, you were not trespassing and had permission to be in that particular location.

Dog Bite Statistics

The following are a handful of statistics regarding dog bites in America today:

  • One out of every 73 people will or has received a dog bite.
  • Every year, in the United States, roughly 4.5 million dog bites occur.
  • Medical care is needed for 800,000 of the above-mentioned dog bites.

Why Dogs Bite

Dogs bite for a variety of reasons. Even a good dog can bite someone if threatened, provoked, teased, etc. Here are some additional reasons why dogs bite:

  • When overexcited or playing rough, they may bite or nip. This is one reason not to get your dog overly excited and avoid rough play.
  • If dogs are startled or aren’t feeling well, they may bite.
  • To protect their owners, their puppies, or themselves, dogs may attack.
  • If dogs feel threatened or scared, they might bite as a response.
  • Frequently, dog bites are reactions to situations when the dog feels stressed.

You Can Rely on Corradino & Papa, LLC For Your Dog Bite Lawsuit

Have you been attacked, nipped, or bitten by a dog? If so, you may be entitled to compensation. To help you mount a case, the attorneys at Corradino & Papa, LLC will examine the medical history of the dog, help with your medical records, analyze the facts regarding your incident, investigate the dog’s ownership, and more.

When it comes to reliability and competency in handling dog attack cases, the attorneys at Corradino & Papa, LLC excel. To maximize the compensation you receive for damages, they work hand-in-hand with a network of investigators, medical experts, and support staff.

Take the first step toward receiving your dog bite compensation – contact us today.