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What Is The Difference Between A Personal Injury Claim And Catastrophic Injury Claim?

When you are looking to file a claim for an injury inflicted on you or a loved one through negligence by a second party, you may not be sure whether to file a personal injury claim or a catastrophic injury claim. In many cases, your personal injury attorney will guide you on the right claim to make. However, it is important for you to understand the difference between the terms so you are better prepared for your claim application. In this article, we explain the difference between the two terms and tell you when they can be applied.

Personal Injury Claims

When it comes to personal injury claims, it is important to understand that an injury does not automatically equate to liability. The reason why you need a skilled personal injury lawyer is the fact that you must demonstrate that the injury occurred due to the negligence of the person that is being held liable. For example, if you are injured in a shopping mall because the management did not put proper signage to warn visitors of a particular danger, then you can hold them liable for such an accident. There are numerous personal injury claim types and understanding which approach to take is critical to the success of your lawsuit. For example, one can choose to pursue personal injury claims based on animal attacks (being bitten by someone’s pet for example), injuries when at premises, and much more.

Personal injury claim is a term that incorporates many other kinds of injuries. For this reason, it became necessary to separate certain types of claims in order to convey the magnitude of such injuries. This thus gave rise to the term catastrophic injury claims.

Catastrophic Injury Claims

When one suffers serious injuries due to the negligence of a second party, one can file a catastrophic injury claim. Here, the injury would have to be so serious as to prevent the person from living or working normally again. In most cases, such injuries involve loss of limbs or neural damage such as on the brain or spine. Such catastrophic injuries often mean that the victim is either unable to work again or may require long term care and rehabilitation. This, therefore, poses greater consequences for the victim than most ordinary personal injury claims.

Filing A Personal Injury Claim

When it comes to filing a personal or catastrophic injury claim, it is important to work with an experienced legal firm. This is because lawyers with experience can help guide you on the claim to make. Given that most personal injury claims are settled out of court, having a skilled lawyer by your side can also help you get a much better settlement than you would otherwise get.

Choose Corradino & Papa, LLC For Personal and Catastrophic Injury Claims

If you are thinking of filing a personal or catastrophic injury claim, you can count on expert representation from Corradino and Papa, LLC. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.