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What Injuries Can Happen If You Are Struck By Leaf Springs In A Truck?

The tragic incidents of spring truck injuries are common nowadays. A leaf spring that has been damaged, flying off the truck and through the front and rear windows of the passenger car driving behind the truck may lead to fatal road accidents. It may lead to personal injuries or even death. This article briefly discusses leaf spring, how it causes accidents, and the importance of hiring a personal injury law firm in the event of an accident.

What is a Leaf Spring?

A leaf spring is a type of spring used in vehicle suspension. It is an old type of suspension technology still being used in many trucks. To help ensure the best suspension for a tow vehicle, leaf springs are attached to the frame of a trailer. Outside of large trucks and other heavy-duty vehicles, leaf springs are rarely used on vehicles.

Truck leaf springs are rated for specific load rates. Overload results in putting too much stress on the shocks and suspension system, thereby damaging leaf springs. Leaf springs distribute the weight of a heavy load more evenly than other types of springs.

Damaged Leaf Springs Caused Accidents

The leaf spring may fly off the truck and strike the passenger and vehicle behind it resulting in serious road accidents. We are not discussing isolated incidents; there are many such cases reported in the whole of the U.S. The most striking aspect here is that most such accidents and spring truck injuries in the past could have been avoided if the truck had been properly inspected.

Drivers must inspect their truck prior to each trip to ensure it is in good working order and safe. Inspection should be carried out after completing every trip too. Leaf damage or cracks does not occur immediately after loading a truck; the damage occurs over time and is visible during the inspection. If a truck driver notices signs of wear on the leaf spring, it should either be replaced or repaired in order to avoid any potential tragedies on the road.

The Seriousness of a Detached Leaf Spring

A leaf spring that detaches from the truck’s frame and is thrown at trailing vehicles can cause serious injuries or in some cases death. Leaf springs can weigh up to 45 pounds, so the danger is obvious when they are traveling at high speeds toward a moving vehicle.

The following are some of the potential consequences of being hit by a detached leaf spring:

  • Neck injuries
  • Head injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Blunt force trauma

What Should You Do If You Have Been Injured in a Truck Accident?

If you or a loved one has been met with an accident involving a dislodged leaf spring from a commercial truck, you have the legal right to sue the trucking company. You may sue them for improper vehicle maintenance or for failing to ensure that its equipment passes inspection. The first thing to do is to liaise with an experienced truck accident lawyer at the earliest. A competent attorney can advise you on the best course of legal action to take.