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What Are the Most Common Occupational Illnesses In The United States?

At the time when you absolutely least expect it, that’s when workplace accidents can happen. Despite all the precautions, OSHA regulations, and safety training requirements, workers get hurt. It’s a fact of life. Particularly in industrial environments such as factories and construction, some workplaces are just more accident-prone than others. But repetitive stress injuries, overexertion, and more can be suffered by office workers, as well. You are eligible for workers’ compensation if you experience a work-related injury or illness. That’s right… An illness resulting from your employment!

To pursue damages for occupational illnesses or injuries, seek the assistance of an experienced, knowledgeable workers’ compensation attorney.

In the United States, there are certain types of occupational illnesses and injuries/conditions that are more common than others. Let’s take a look at a few of those.


You may not realize it, but overexertion can happen in practically any work-related situation. Across every industry, strains cause injury and overexertion. Across construction sites, heavy materials are hauled by construction workers. Heavy objects are moved or carried every day by healthcare workers. Truth be told, one of the top workers’ compensation claim reasons is overexertion.

Another form of overexertion is at risk for those who perform repetitive tasks, such as factory and warehouse workers.

Overexertion can be associated with these common injuries:

  • Joint injuries
  • Back and shoulder injuries
  • Ankle sprains
  • Leg injuries
  • Hernias

Hearing Loss

Particularly as they age, hearing loss can be experienced by employees who work around excessive noise or loud machinery throughout the day. Many use earbuds or earmuffs, but it’s still common for them to suffer hearing loss. Accelerated by noise exposure, hearing loss is not at all uncommon in construction work, as an example.

Respiratory Illness

Occupations where toxic chemical exposure is common can result in respiratory problems. Some of these can include the following:

  • COPD – chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Pharyngitis
  • Silicosis
  • Occupational asthma
  • TB – tuberculosis
  • Pneumonitis
  • Mesothelioma

If you have experienced any of the above listed respiratory illnesses, check with an attorney to see if you’re covered.

Skin Disorders

Skin cancer, for example, is more likely to affect a worker who, for extended periods of time, was required to work out-of-doors. Particularly if no sunscreen or protective clothing was used. Agricultural workers, construction workers, roofers, etc. fall into this category.

Harsh and dangerous chemicals, when exposed to skin, can also cause skin diseases. Construction workers, mechanics, cleaners, painters, and more come into daily contact with toxic chemicals. Here are some examples of skin conditions:

  • Skin inflammation
  • Ulcers
  • Rashes
  • Contact dermatitis
  • Skin infections

Corradino & Papa, LLC Can Assist with Your Workers’ Comp Claim

When it comes to handling workers’ compensation cases, even those dealing with work-related illnesses, our attorneys and staff are highly skilled and experienced. Whether you have experienced an employment related illness, were exposed to chemicals, or contracted some other illness resulting from your line of work, you deserve compensation. While you concentrate on recovery, we will fight devotedly and tirelessly for your rights.

We are available 24/7, even during this pandemic, through telecommunication and videoconferencing. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.