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What Are The Different Types Of Nursing Home Negligence?

Unfortunately, nursing home negligence is an issue that often goes undetected but which can have dire consequences for the victims. Although negligence can be considered a form of abuse in some cases, it is defined by the lack of suitable action taken on the part of nursing home staff, rather than some form of undesired action. If inactions lead to harm or even death, the nursing home and its staff can be held responsible. In this article, we tell you more about the different types of nursing home negligence.

Medical Negligence

Medical negligence occurs when staff fails to properly handle a resident’s healthcare needs, despite being aware of their condition and mobility requirements. Some common examples include:

  • Failing to administer the right does of medication at the right time
  • Failing to move a resident with mobility issues regularly, resulting in injuries such as bedsores
  • Not reporting worrying symptoms of illnesses or conditions to medical professionals
  • Not administering the proper drugs or treatments for conditions such as Alzheimer’s and diabetes

Depending on the facts of the situation, you may have a case of medical malpractice.

Social and Emotional Negligence

Nursing homes are places where residents can build friendships and enjoy meaningful socialization with others their own age. Socialization has proven to be crucial to an individual’s mental and emotional health, and isolated seniors can end up depressed. Below are some ways a nursing home resident can be a victim of social and emotional negligence:

  • Being isolated from other residents, whether it is deliberate or accidental
  • Not being provided with the mobility tools they need, such as wheelchairs, walkers and canes that will enable them to enter different areas of the nursing home for socialization
  • Not moving residents with severe mobility or mental conditions to venues for socialization

Basic Needs Negligence

When a resident moves into a nursing home, they expect to receive a level of care for their basic needs. This includes being provided with adequate food and water as well as assistance with bathing and grooming. Below are some examples of basic needs negligence:

  • Failing to clean the nursing home premises or a resident’s room
  • Not showering or changing a resident regularly
  • Not changing a resident who has soiled themselves
  • Depriving a resident of food and water or giving them unsafe or suitable food

Choose Corradino & Papa, LLC For Your Nursing Home Negligence Case

If your elderly loved one has been a victim of nursing home negligence, you may have legal recourse. The physical and mental health of a victim can be severely impacted through negligence, and may even result in death. When that is the case, your best course of action is to engage an experienced attorney to fight for your and your loved one’s best interests. Victims do not have to suffer in silence if they have been negatively impacted as a result of negligence. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.