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What Are The Dangers of Oil Slicks On The Road?

Oil slicks appear on roads for a couple of reasons. Light oil spots or stains may be encountered from vehicles leaking. In the case of a tanker being involved in an accident, oil could leak onto the road, but would likely be cleaned up as soon as possible. Car accidents in general, however, can cause oil slicks to appear on roadways.

The dangers of oil slicks on the road are extreme. Resulting in horrific collisions involving multiple vehicles, on slippery roads, motorists can easily lose vehicle control. But wait – there’s more! Aside from being slippery, oil slicks present other problems as well. Let’s take a look at a couple of them.

Particularly when motor vehicles are involved, the risk of burns and explosions when oil spills out of tankers or vehicles is high since it’s a highly flammable substance. When oil slicks cause car crashes, it is easy for burns to be experienced. When the roadway ends up covered in oil, any number of things can result.

What Can Oil Spills Cause?

The following can be caused by oil spills on the road:

  • Health complications, chemical burns, and more can be the result of exposure to toxic chemicals
  • By trucks carrying gasoline or oil, explosions and fires can be caused
  • Vehicles can become uncontrollable due to hydroplaning on slippery surfaces

Permanent, serious injuries can be caused by roadways with oil spills on them. This is particularly the case when car accidents involve explosions or burns. Additional trauma can include neck injuries, back injuries, broken bones, brain injuries, and head trauma. Severe, disfiguring burns have occurred due to spilled oil when drivers have lost control of their vehicles and collided on slippery roads.

Cleaning Up Oil Spills

When oil spills occur on the roadway, crews are sent out to execute cleanup.

After a car accident, there can be a multitude of debris and chemicals on the road including glass, metal, plastics, antifreeze, and oil. While some present a risk to your tires and undercarriage, antifreeze and oil cause slippery conditions, among other things. A heavy-duty push broom will suffice for cleaning up most glass and other debris. But when it comes to chemicals and oil, that’s another story.

Depending on the state in which you live, various methods are used and/or required when cleaning up oil spills on roadways. More often than not, an absorbent is sprinkled onto the surface to soak up the oil. In some states, this can then be brushed off to the side of the road. Other states may call for more thorough types of cleanup (possibly a bag or something to contain cleaned-up materials) and hazardous waste disposal.

For Traffic Accidents Involving Oil Slicks and Other Issues, Who Can You Call?

Has an oil slick on the road caused you to become involved in a traffic accident? Whether an oil slick was to blame, or any other type of circumstances contributed, the most important thing right now is to waste no time in contacting the law firm of Corradino and Papa as soon as possible.

Corradino and Papa can be of assistance by representing you in claims involving all sorts of injuries, negligence, accidents, mishaps, etc. Some of these include the following:

  • Truck accidents
  • Slips and falls
  • Medical malpractice
  • Dog bites
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Workers’ compensation issues

… and numerous other types of personal injuries. We will fight for your rights and do all we can to make sure you’re fully compensated for lost work, pain and suffering from injuries, vehicle damages, medical expenses, and more.

Get in touch with us today for a free consultation.