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What Are Common Truck Accident Injuries?

Truck accident injuries tend to be more severe than those sustained from car accidents, simply due to the fact that trucks are much bigger vehicles and can therefore cause more damage. While any part of your body can be affected by a truck accident, we bring some of the most common truck accident injuries to your attention in this article. If you have been the victim of a truck accident and any of the below injuries sound familiar, you could be entitled to legal compensation.

Injuries to the head are always particularly traumatic for obvious reasons: it’s where the brain is housed. When the head suffers a blow that strikes the skull, a traumatic brain injury can occur. These are extremely serious injuries that can lead to long-term cognitive and personality changes, or in serious cases, a permanent vegetative state or even death.

This is a kind of injury not often talked about but is common because victims of road accidents tend to use their arms and hands as a shield during a crash. In reality, this action does little to protect you and can instead result in wrist or arm injuries. In serious cases, a wrist injury can be life-changing, affecting your ability to do certain tasks independently.

A back injury is everyone’s worst nightmare for the simple reason that your back affects your ability to stand, sit, bend and hold yourself upright. Made up of numerous bones and muscles, the human back is supported by the spinal column. Besides that, the back contains many nerves that act as a communication channel to the brain in guiding the body’s movements. Hence, any injury to the back can impact a person’s mobility, even leading to paralysis in serious cases. Common back injuries include sprains and strains, fractured vertebrae and pinched nerves.

Similar to back injuries, a neck injury can affect your ability to hold your head in an upright position. A common neck injury sustained by truck accident victims is whiplash, and victims can experience limited range of movement in the neck as well as pains across the upper back, arms and shoulders.

A crush injury occurs when your body gets stuck between two objects under a high degree of force and pressure. The effects are exacerbated if one or both of the vehicles were travelling at high speeds. Crush injuries can result in internal damage to the organs, damaged nerves and fractured bones.

If you or a loved one have sustained one of the common truck accident injuries listed above, or even one that is not on the list, engage a truck accident attorney immediately. With an experienced and competent attorney from Corradino and Papa, LLC advocating strongly for your interests, you can significantly increase your chances of receiving the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free initial consultation.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.