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Understanding The Stages Of A Car Accident Lawsuit

A lot of damage can be caused by car accidents. In lost wages, medical bills, and more, they can cost you a lot of money, too, especially if you’re injured. For those injuries, you have the right to pursue compensation if another driver was at fault.

A claim will need to be filed, and a lawsuit is a distinct possibility. But before you take any legal action, it’s important to have at least somewhat of a grasp on the stages of a car accident lawsuit. That way, you can take the steps to protect your rights, financial security, and your health.

First and foremost, one of the most immediate things you need to do following a car accident is to seek legal representation. Later, we will introduce you to the perfect legal representative to contact for a car accident, motorcycle accident, truck accident, or any other kind of personal injury.

Frequently, a settlement in the pre-litigation stage solves many auto accident cases. The most time will likely be devoted to this stage. Included in pre-litigation can be the following:

  • Initial consultation
  • Collection of evidence
  • Damages calculation
  • Claim filing
  • Investigation
  • Attempting to negotiate a settlement

Everything moves along to stage II if your claim isn’t appropriately paid because the insurance company refuses (the case isn’t settled).

Mediation/Litigation Is Stage II

The case will either enter mediation or you will begin to litigate if a settlement can’t be reached in stage I – the pre-litigation.

  • Mediation: By both parties, all testimony and evidence are reviewed. To come up with a settlement, both parties will try to work together. The case moves to trial if a settlement can’t be reached.
  • Litigation: Trial preparations by attorneys take place in litigation. Included in this phase are direct and expert witness testimony, discovery, and strategizing.

Stage III Can Constitute a Trial

Before a judge and jury of your peers, a civil trial will take place. Evidence will be presented by the attorneys, and the outcome will be decided upon by the court. Though trials can go a few weeks, they can also be wrapped up in a few days.

A verdict is issued by the court. From the accident, you will receive damages if you win. You can begin the appeals process if you lose. Upon the filing of an appeal by your attorney, you can prepare for your case to move to an appellate court.

Legal expertise is required to navigate the complicated stages of a lawsuit. It is challenging, at best, to go it alone. Precisely what is needed to win is just one aspect of the knowledge possessed by a car accident attorney. They’ll calculate the full value of your damages, collect the right evidence needed to prove your case, and fight for your rights using their vast knowledge of the law. So you can concentrate on healing after your accident, the attorney handles everything for you. This means you can better focus on getting your life back to normal.

Count on Corradino and Papa, LLC to Fight for Your Rights After a Car Accident

As you can see by the above-stated information, the stages following a lawsuit entail lots of legal wrangling, evidence, witnesses, negotiations, vast knowledge and skill, and much more. That’s why it is crucial you contact the firm of Corradino and Papa after an automobile accident. We will handle everything for you in a professional, expert manner.

We can also help you with representation involving a truck accident, motorcycle accident, workers’ compensation issues, dog bites, and numerous other types of personal injuries.

Get in touch with us today for a free consultation.