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Understanding Shoulder Collisions On Highways

The shoulder of the road is the space on the side of the road that is left for cars to pull over. Shoulders
are critical because they allow motorists to pull over in the case of an emergency without obstructing
traffic on the main highway. However, shoulder collisions on the highway are very common. In fact, it is
estimated that about 1500 people lose their lives every year due to accidents that happen on the
shoulder of the road. The most common type of accident involving highway shoulders is when a vehicle
rams into a car that has stopped on the shoulder. Less common is where drivers who have disembarked
from a stationary car on the shoulder are knocked down by cars on the highway.

Understanding Fault in Shoulder Collisions

There are many reasons why people pull over on the highway shoulder. It could be due to a mechanical
problem, a crying child, a tire burst, and many other reasons. When it comes to understanding who is at
fault in such an accident, experts will examine the reasons for pulling over, how it was done and if the
driver gave sufficient warning to other road users. In such cases, the fault is not automatically on the
side of the driver who pulled over. Accident experts will examine whether the driver of the car on the
highway was drunk, under the influence of drugs or whether he or she has strayed off the highway and
into the shoulder.

One common area that experts look at after such an accident is whether the stationary car had
completely exited the highway or was it partially on it. If the driver who stopped on the shoulder did not
completely exit the highway, he or she may be liable for such an accident. Another factor that could
swing the case against the stationary car is whether the driver had the option to use an exit or a parking
lot in order to ensure the safety of other road users. If a driver chooses to ignore such a facility and
instead stop on the shoulder, then he or she may be liable in case of such an accident.

Why You Need an Attorney

If you have been involved in an accident involving the shoulder of a highway, it is important to talk to an
auto accident attorney immediately. As you can see, there are many variables when it comes to such
accidents, and being able to present your case properly can make a huge difference. Many car owners
lose out on their proper compensation because they did not consult a lawyer. Insurance companies are
very skilled when it comes to deflecting blame and trying to take them on without legal help is likely to
lead to failure.

Choose Corradino & Papa, LLC For Shoulder Collision Accident Claims

If you have been involved in a shoulder collision accident, you can count on expert representation from
Corradino and Papa, LLC. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.