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Understanding Personal Injuries On College Campuses

Personal Injuries on college campuses is an undermined yet critical topic that doesn’t get enough of the spotlight as it should. The college phase is one of those exciting times in a young adult’s life that they have been looking forward to since childhood. A time when they can learn more, grow, explore, have some level of freedom and make new friends for life. But life always has its ways of surprising us, and unfortunately, the whole college phase may not end up as such a bed of roses for every student out there.

As a parent or a college candidate, if you’re worried about what personal injuries on college campuses you can fall victim to apart from all the fun, then keep reading to learn more.

Kinds Of Personal Damages On College Campuses

Here’s an account on the kind of damages and injuries your child or you may fall a victim to, that may just happen accidentally due to corrupt and criminal conduct from peers.

Sexual Assaults

Unfortunately, sexual assaults are often a part of the headlines, no matter how much colleges claim to be a safe space for its students. Suppose your child also fell prey to sexual harassment or did not consent to sexual acts. In that case, you may file claims for personal injury and proceed for court trials against the culprit and the college establishment if the act took place within the premises, despite all safety claims made by the college.

Substance Abuse

Substance abuse and drug violations have been reported to increase consistently in college premises. Students don’t care when they are told to ‘say no to drugs.’ College Campuses become an open and free ground for drug violations coupled with domestic violence and self-harm obsessions. If your child ended up in an ER due to one such toxic activity, then reach out to your attorney to discuss the damage claims and hold the college liable for negligence.


Accidents within the college premises are an all-time possibility. If a student slipped on the sidewalks or along the pavement due to ice or litter, don’t hesitate to file damage claims against the college administration for being irresponsible in securing college infrastructure. If your child got hit by a motorcyclist accidentally or intentionally, that could also be dealt with promptly by involving your attorney to claim injury damages.

Way Forward

Hire a Premises liability lawyer if you fear that your child or you will be subjected to personal injuries. Such a lawyer helps you claim damages from college establishments and guilty peers employing state laws and activating the victims legal rights that colleges might otherwise brush under the rug to suppress the issue.

Choose Corradino & Papa, LLC For Personal Injuries In College Premises

Are you worried for your child, lest they become victims of severe personal injuries on their college campus? If so, let the experienced attorneys at Corradino and Papa, LLC, assist you in fighting for your child’s rights and damage settlement. Contact us today for a free consultation.