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Types Of Personal Injury You Can Claim

Personal injury cases allow someone who has been injured as the result of negligence on the part of someone else to receive compensation. Knowing the types of personal injury you can claim is extremely important. While many accidents will qualify, there are some that won’t, and below is a list of the most frequent injury claims that are made in court.

Claims involving healthcare malpractice result from doctors or medical professionals who injure patients while attempting to provide treatment. However, it must be emphasized that just getting an undesirable result from a medical procedure doesn’t automatically warrant a malpractice claim. Rather, it must be demonstrated that the doctor or medical professional failed to follow established protocol while treating a patient or intentionally misled them, resulting in injury.

Slipping and Falling

Merchants and property owners are at the greatest risk of being held liable for these claims. If someone is visiting your property or place of business, and they slip, fall, and then injure themselves, you could be held liable. However, because there are those that engage in frivolous lawsuits in order to extract money from hapless businesses or property owners, it must be demonstrated that the fall was the result of an environmental hazard that the owner should have known about and addressed. The extent of the injuries sustained will also be taken into consideration.

Dog Bites

It has often been said that dogs are a “man’s best friend,” but did you know that dog bites are one of the leading causes of lawsuits in the United States? Those who own dogs may be held financially liable if they bite another person, especially if the dog is a large and aggressive breed, banned in the jurisdiction where the bite took place, and has a history of attacking others.

Vehicular Accidents

Vehicle accidents are another leading cause of litigation in the U.S. Despite the laws that state that drivers must never operate a vehicle while under the influence, there are still millions of people who choose to do it anyway. There are also people who choose to drive without a license (which is illegal in most states) while others drive around without insurance (which is also illegal in many states). If they get into an accident and injury another driver, they will be held legally and financially liable. The same goes for those who fail to obey traffic laws.