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Truck Rollover Accidents: What Are The Causes & Who’s Responsible?

Truck rollover accidents usually cause complex multi-vehicle collisions that result in wreckage across many lanes of a highway. This deadly accident occurs when a heavy truck rolls over small cars or obstructs the road. Victims of the accident can suffer trauma and life-threatening injuries. Worse, the effects might be passed on to their families. To prevent this from happening, truckers and trucking companies have to ensure their vehicles are operated safely.

We hope you never have to deal with a truck rollover accident. If you become an unfortunate victim or know someone who is involved in this sort of accident, you can seek compensation. Educating yourself on the causes of a truck rollover accident and how to determine liability will help you better understand your case.

What Are the Common Causes of a Truck Rollover Accident?

Many factors can contribute to a truck roller accident. One of the common causes is overloaded trailers. Every truck has a weight limit. If the cargo exceeds this limit or is improperly loaded, it can increase the chances of truck rollover accidents.

Another possible cause is sharp curves. Sharp turns are not much of a problem for smaller vehicles, but they are a struggle for large trucks. A route consisting of many curves is challenging for truck drivers. Thus, trucking companies should bear this in mind when establishing the route for the trucker.

Speeding is also one of the top causes of truck rollover accidents. With many deadlines to meet, some drivers exceed the speed limit to reach their destination earlier. Many fatal accidents are attributed to speeding. When the vehicle travels at a higher speed, the impact of the collision is greater, resulting in severe injuries.

Inexperienced drivers also increase the risk of truck rollover accidents. Drivers who did not receive adequate training on operating a commercial truck safely can cause accidents. Unlike seasoned drivers who have been on the road for many years, new drivers may lack the knowledge and skill to navigate a truck properly. Also, they may fail to take into account weather conditions that can affect the truck, like strong winds or heavy rain.

Who’s Responsible for a Truck Rollover Accident?

If the driver works for a company, who is responsible for the accident? The answer depends on the nature of the accident. If the truck rollover accident happened due to reckless driving by the driver, then the driver is responsible for his or her actions. In addition, the trucking company may also be liable if they failed to maintain the truck or exceeded the cargo limit. The employer is held accountable for any negligence that happened in the accident.

Determining responsibility in a truck rollover accident can be complicated. You may not have the legal knowledge to handle it on your own. To prove liability, you need a skillful truck accident lawyer who can help you deal with legal procedures and insurance companies. Corradino & Papa, LLC can help you achieve the desired outcome. Contact us to schedule a free consultation.