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Top Tips To Avoid Crosswalk Accidents

It is estimated that about 5,000 pedestrians are killed every year in the United States. A vast majority of these accidents take place on crosswalks as pedestrians try to cross roads. For this reason, it is critical to understand the proper way to use crosswalks to avoid accidents. Not only is it safer when you use a crosswalk properly but in the event of an accident, you might not be liable for personal injury compensation if it is proven that you were in the wrong during such an accident. Here then are some of the top tips when it comes to the proper way of using crosswalks.

Use Clearly Marked Crosswalks

Crosswalks are usually marked by broad white lines that stretch from one sidewalk to another. It is important to always cross a road at these points as drivers are more likely to be on alert as they approach crosswalks. There may or may not be traffic signals at such a point but that’s a moot point. Always cross the road at crosswalks. In some states, it is even illegal to cross a road at any other point other than at a crosswalk. Doing so is considered jaywalking and may attract a fine. If an accident were to occur to a pedestrian who was jaywalking, there is a great possibility that the insurance compensation would be significantly reduced as the court would determine that he or she was partly to blame for such an accident.

Obey Traffic Signals

When it comes to traffic signals at crosswalks, it is important to remember that they are synchronized with the lights that control vehicle movement. What this means is that when the crosswalk lights indicate Do Not Walk, there is a high likelihood that the main traffic lights have allowed cars to drive through. Disobeying the crosswalk light, therefore, increases the chances that you are going to get hit by a car. Just like other pedestrian rules, any accident that happens to you in the course of disobeying traffic signals may be deemed to be your fault.

Wear Visible Clothing

At night, it might be hard for motorists to see when you are crossing a road. If you are in an area that is not well lit, it is important to ensure that you are wearing light clothing that reflects light. If you are in a really dark place, you can opt to use a flashlight so that you are visible to any oncoming traffic.

If you have been involved in a crosswalk accident, it is important to talk to an car accident lawyer with the experience to handle such a case. This is because there are many variables involved and any one of them could lead to you losing out on your compensation.

Choose Corradino & Papa, LLC For Crosswalk Accident Claims

If you have been involved in a crosswalk accident, you can count on expert representation from Corradino and Papa, LLC. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.