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Top FAQs About Winter Car Accidents Answered

Winter presents its own unique set of challenges when it comes to preventing accidents. Our car accident lawyers have seen it all and understand the intricacies of weather-related car accidents. It is necessary to drive your car in a safe manner, especially when roads are icy or snowfall is heavy. In the United States alone, there are over 6 million traffic accidents each year. Here are the answers to some of the winter car accident FAQs.

What Can I Do to Avoid a Winter Car Accident?

There are various things you, as a driver, can do to drive more safely throughout the winter to prevent accidents. Here are a few:

  • When winter precipitation occurs, reduce your speed to at least half the posted limit.
  • Avoid abrupt acceleration or deceleration.
  • Continually wipe the snow off your windshield using your windshield wipers.
  • Maintain your defroster to keep your windshield from fogging up.
  • Pay attention to GPS and traffic apps for alerts about accidents and traffic congestion.

What Should I Do When I’ve Been Involved in a Car Accident in Winter?

If you ever get into a car accident in winter, here are some crucial steps to take:

  • Check to see if everyone is okay in your car and if anyone has sustained any serious injuries.
  • Switch on your hazard lights.
  • Get your automobile off the road if it can still move so it won’t collide with other vehicles.
  • If your car is immovable, make sure it is safe to exit before doing so. To alert other drivers that there is a broken-down vehicle on the road, deploy road flares or a reflective triangle.
  • If you’re in a city, get everyone out of the car and into a warm place. Stay inside your car to stay warm if you’re in the middle of nowhere on a highway with little traffic. Extra blankets should be included in your winter emergency kit so everyone in your car can stay warm until help arrives.
  • Call for assistance. Dial 9-1-1 on your mobile device to get in touch with the police. Describe where you are and what happened. Authorities will direct traffic and gather evidence regarding the collision once they arrive.
  • If you can, record the scene on camera. Take pictures of the crash site, nearby structures, and any damage that is evident to your car and other cars.
  • Seek medical assistance immediately if you or any other passengers have been hurt.

Does Car Insurance Cover Ice-Sliding Accidents?

If you slide on ice and damage your car, insurance companies consider it an at-fault claim whether or not a police officer issues you a ticket. Ice cannot be faulted for the accident. However, if you are the victim of negligent driving, you may be able to submit a claim. In any case, slowing down and driving safely on icy roads can help you avoid accidents.

Here at Corradino & Papa Law Firm, we represent all individuals who have suffered significant injuries in car crashes, regardless of the weather. With our “no recovery, no fee” policy, your financial health will be well-protected when you work with us. Read our client testimonials to learn more!