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Tips To Prevent Winter Slips And Falls

Whenever you’re walking around outside it’s smart to exercise caution, particularly in the winter. Icy patches are something everyone must be on the alert for. Winter slips and falls occur in parking lots, roadsides, sidewalks, and more because of the snow and ice typical of this time of year. Each year, emergency room visits hit an estimated 8.9 million thanks to winter falls (according to the National Safety Council).

In community settings and in the home, accidental deaths are caused more often by falls than anything else. When guests and visitors slip and fall on the property of someone else, it is frequently due to the fact that the homeowners have not done all they can to rid the area of possible hazards. But you must watch out for yourself, as well. Here’s how.

To avoid slip and fall accident injuries, one of the biggest factors is prevention. You can take the right steps when you know what the risks are. Let’s look at how to keep yourself, your family, and your friends safer from falls and slips in the winter months.

Hold On to Something

Door handles, walls, and handrails – as well as other secure objects – should be used when stepping onto snowy or icy surfaces to brace yourself. If your feet start to slide out from under you, you can hang on to avoid the fall.

Watch Where You Walk

This sounds ridiculous but it’s true. You might not realize it, but you frequently walk around without actually looking at the surface you’re walking on. In winter, this can be extremely hazardous to your health. Always proceed with caution in winter and, when it comes to snow-filled, icy, or wet surfaces, never run.

Lighten Your Load

When traveling In areas that are packed with snow or slippery with ice, do all you can not to carry heavy loads in your arms. When you’re trying to balance bags and heavy packages, your risk of injury increases because these areas are likely slippery, and your balance is off.

Check to Be Sure

Always “test the waters” before you step out onto a surface. It may not look slippery, but it could be. To see if there’s ice under that snow, tread very carefully before putting your full body weight on the area.

Wear Correct Shoes

Wearing the correct shoes can mean the difference between falling and staying steady on the slippery surfaces of winter. It’s easier to navigate slippery parking lots and sidewalks when you’re wearing safer shoes. Try to steer clear of heels and leather soled shoes. Traction is improved by wearing rubber soles and boots. Put on your fancy shoes after you arrive at your destination.

Keep Your Balance

Particularly in winter when it’s cold, snowy, and icy, take your hands out of your pockets when you’re walking around outside. Keep your hands warm by wearing gloves. Should a frozen surface suddenly cause you to slip, you may be able to break your fall or catch your balance with your hands-free.

Have You Been Injured in a Winter Slip and Fall?

If you were injured as the result of a winter slip and fall due to someone else’s carelessness or negligence, don’t wait another moment to contact Corradino & Papa. There is every chance that we will be able to help you get the compensation you’re entitled to.

Fill out our convenient online form to book a free consultation at no obligation to you.