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Tips To Avoid A Car Accident This Spring

As the weather warms up and the days get longer, it’s time to get back out on the roads. But with the changing of the seasons comes new hazards that can lead to car accidents. To help you stay safe this spring, here are five tips to avoid a spring car accident.

Be Mindful of Children on the Streets

With the end of the school year approaching, kids will be out and about more often. Be sure to drive slowly and cautiously in residential areas and school zones.

Be Wary of Wildlife

Spring is the time of year when animals are more active, and they can cause road accidents more often than you think. Be sure to keep an eye out for animals crossing the road, especially so at night when visibility is low.

Plan Your Route Ahead Of Time

Spring is a time when families venture out for vacations. Unfamiliar territory can increase the chances of an accident. Knowing the roads you’ll be driving on can help you anticipate any potential hazards. Check the weather forecast and plan your route accordingly.

Prepare for Storms

Spring is the time of year when storms can pop up quickly. As a result, things like fallen branches and wet leaves can cause road hazards. Sudden rain or hail can also make the road slippery and dangerous. To avoid a collision, keep a safe distance from other vehicles on the road. The general rule of thumb is to keep a distance of at least two car lengths between you and the vehicle in front of you. Your vehicle is also at a risk for hydroplaning so be prepared to take an alternative route if you’re worried that you’ll encounter flooding.

Check your Tire Pressure and Tread

As the temperature rises, so does the air pressure in your tires. Make sure to check your tire pressure regularly and adjust it as needed. Additionally, check your tire tread to ensure that you have enough traction on the road. Bald or worn-out tires can significantly increase your risk of getting into an accident.

Slowdown in Construction Zones

You may have noticed that many road construction projects begin in spring. To avoid an accident, slow down in construction zones and follow all posted signs and signals. Pay close attention to workers on the road.

Always Wear Your Seatbelt

More often than not, it’s down to the basics like wearing a seatbelt. Yes, even if you’re driving a couple of blocks to a nearby place. It is one of the easiest and most effective ways to prevent injuries in the event of an accident. Make sure to always wear your seatbelt when driving and ensure that all passengers in your vehicle do the same.

Avoid Distractions

With more people out and about, jaywalkers, novice bicyclists, and other drivers on the road, you can’t afford to get distracted. Keep your focus on the road and avoid using your phone or other devices while driving. If you’re a beginner driver, you may even want to avoid conversing with fellow passengers.