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Tips For Driving Safely In Spring Rain And Inclement Weather

You know what they say: April showers bring May flowers. But they can also result in severe car accidents that carry significant consequences. While spring brings both rain and shine, it also introduces additional hazards on the road. In fact, documented evidence shows that there is a 6% rise in fatal car accidents during the week following the daylight savings transition in spring.

Let’s look at some safety tips that will not only help you navigate spring rain and inclement weather, but keep you, your passengers, and the drivers/pedestrians around you safer.

Tire Verification

After enduring the harsh winter months, car tires may undergo substantial wear and tear. Before driving, inspect your car’s tires to ensure they still have adequate tread. Insufficient tread can lead to reduced traction. That’s bad news in rainy weather!

Be sure to also check proper tire inflation and get an oil change.

Be Mindful of Potholes

Potholes are formed when groundwater expands and contracts beneath the pavement. Potholes can vary in size and shape and inflict significant damage to vehicles (they may even cause accidents). Practice caution when encountering puddles as they may conceal potholes. If you can’t avoid a pothole, at least slow down before approaching it. Grip the wheel firmly and do your best to maintain control.

Maintain Adequate Vehicle Space

Inclement weather (i.e., rain, sleet, snow, hail) can significantly impede a driver’s ability to react swiftly. By leaving extra space between your vehicle and others on the road, you can help prevent accidents. Under normal weather conditions, maintain a three-second distance from surrounding cars. During inclement weather, increase this distance to eight seconds.

Replace Windshield Wipers

Winter’s harsh conditions often damage windshield wipers. If you notice the following, it’s best to replace your wipers:

  • Squeaking noises
  • Vibrations
  • Excessive streaking
  • Wet spots on your windshield

Most windshield wiper manufacturers recommend replacing them every 6 to 12 months.

Embrace Spring Safety

Ensuring road safety is a collective responsibility, regardless of weather conditions. This spring, prioritize safety by staying prepared. By adhering to the above-stated spring safety tips, you can help prevent accidents and promote safety for everyone on the road.

The last thing you want on your conscience or your record is to be responsible for a personal injury accident as the result of a motor vehicle collision with another car, truck, SUV, or a pedestrian.

Despite Proper Caution in Inclement Weather, You May Still Be Involved in a Traffic Accident

In the unfortunate event of a traffic accident this spring, it’s important to know how to handle the situation. The accident attorneys at Corradino & Papa, LLC advise being prepared for unpredictable changes in spring weather and taking appropriate precautions while driving.

The most important thing you can do this spring after being involved in a traffic accident is to contact Corradino & Papa, LLC. Reach out to us at 973-574-1200 or use our online form to connect with a representative.