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The Role Of A Personal Injury Lawyer

Do you have a personal injury claim and are considering hiring a lawyer to help you navigate the legal procedures? Before you do that, you may be wondering what the role of a personal injury lawyer is and how they are qualified. In addition, you may wish to understand a little more about the legal areas of personal injury claims. In this article, we share with you everything that a personal injury lawyer can help you with and provide some basic information on such claims.

Personal injury lawyers work with tort law, an area of law that deals with wrongs and injuries as well as damages, both financial and non-financial. Personal injuries can include the following:

  • Injuries sustained in the workplace
  • Injuries sustained from flawed products
  • Slips and falls
  • Motor accidents
  • Dog bites
  • … and many more

What these incidents have in common is that they all resulted from an individual’s or entity’s negligent behavior.

Often, people without legal training are unaware of the forms of compensation they are entitled to under a personal injury claim. Some mistakenly think that only medical bills are claimable and end up accepting unreasonably low settlement amounts from insurance companies. Do not let that happen to you – always engage a personal injury lawyer to help you calculate and fight for a fair amount of compensation. This can include:

  • Cost of future treatment, rehabilitation and medical equipment
  • Loss of companionship
  • Loss of future earnings
  • Inability to return to work in the same capacity as before
  • Being unable to take part in activities you enjoyed before
  • Mental health and suffering due to emotional trauma
  • … and many more

Personal injury lawyers first have to obtain certain credentials before they can start practicing. Hence, you can enjoy peace of mind that they have extensive knowledge in the specific area of law that concerns the facts of your case. To become a personal injury lawyer, candidates have to:

  • Pass a bar exam
  • Pass a written ethics exam
  • Hold a law degree from an accredited institution
  • Continue taking courses and undergoing training throughout the course of the career. As the law is constantly evolving, some of these courses can come with a minimum requirement of hours.
  • Go through a certification program if they wish to specialize in a certain area. This certification is provided by the American Bar Association, though individual states may have regulations for their own lawyers.

If you have a personal injury claim, you can count on expert representation from Corradino &Papa, LLC. We have more than twenty-five years of experience representing victims and to that end, we have a wide base of satisfied clients and a successful track record. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.