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The Importance Of Not Driving Through Leaf Piles

Autumn is a time of great natural beauty. All the different colors of falling leaves make for one of Mother Nature’s most eloquent showings. Children who grow up in climates where falling leaves get raked into piles, more times than not, soon realize the joys of jumping into a pile of leaves. When leaves are in a private backyard, this is great fun. Unfortunately, children can’t always differentiate between the pile of leaves in a backyard and the pile of leaves at the side of the road. To them, both leaf piles look inviting.

For this reason, and others, driving through leaf piles is a bad idea. First, we are going to examine the treacherousness of driving through leaf piles as it relates to the possibility of hurting someone. Later, we’ll explore the possibilities of other risky situations that can result from driving through leaf piles or even a scattering of leaves.

Maybe it goes back to the days of jumping in leaf piles as a child, but it might seem like great fun to drive your car through a big pile of leaves on the side of the road. Before you do – STOP! A child may have had the same idea and they just jumped into that pile. Now they’re buried under all of those leaves – completely hidden from your view. How horrible would it be if you were to injure or possibly even kill a child because you didn’t think twice?

If at all avoidable, do not drive through piles of leaves you see in the road. If you cannot avoid these piles of leaves, all caution should be used when slowly maneuvering around or through them.

A Scattering of Wet or Dry Leaves

If the leaves aren’t necessarily piled up but rather, scattered across the surface of the road, they could be dry or wet. Regardless, they are going to present any number of possible problems:

  • Trying to come to an abrupt halt on leaves can cause
  • The ability to accelerate quickly is reduced because traction is hampered on top of leaves.
  • Leaves that fall on cars can congregate on car surfaces and in vents and air intakes causing problems with water leakage, deteriorating paint jobs, electrical problems, and more.
  • Dry leaves that come into contact with hot metal surfaces on the undersides of cars can, in theory, cause fires. Reportedly, there have been cases of this occurring.

Getting into an Autumn Traffic Accident – Or Any Time

Beautiful autumn leaves can be anything but beautiful if they cause you to have an accident or, because of them, you seriously injure someone. If you are involved in a traffic accident due to autumn leaves or any other type of circumstances, contact the law firm of Corradino and Papa right away.

We can help you with representation involving numerous kinds of injuries, accidents, mishaps, etc. Some of these include truck accidents, slips and falls, medical malpractice, dog bites, motorcycle accidents, workers’ compensation issues, and numerous other types of personal injuries. We will fight for your rights and do all we can to make sure you’re fully compensated for vehicle damages, medical expenses, lost work, pain and suffering from injuries, and more.

Get in touch with us today for a free consultation.