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Suffered A Back Injury Caused By A Car Crush? Get Compensated!

Have you suffered from a back injury following a car accident? Or has existing pain been made worse after the accident? If so, you are eligible for a settlement claim from the liable party’s insurance company. However, things are hardly ever that clear cut as insurance companies will do all they can to minimize your settlement amount, including claiming that your injury was not caused by the accident and more. This is where an experienced car accident attorney comes in. They can assist in gathering the necessary evidence that your injury was caused by the crash as well as compiling the medical records you will need to prove your pain was worsened if you have a pre-existing condition.

In this article, we share with you some common back injuries sustained after car crashes and what you can do to ensure you get a fair compensation.

Below are some of the most common back injuries sustained by victims after a car crash:

  • Spinal cord injuries: Depending on the severity, spinal cord damage can result in muscle weakness, numbness and even loss of control of bodily functions and paralysis.
  • Whiplash: A whiplash injury involves the neck and the uppermost component of the spine.
  • Herniated discs: When the discs in your spine are damaged or torn, this can result in your bones rubbing against each other and causing nerve damage.
  • … and more

If you suffered from any of the above injuries due to a car crash, you are entitled to a settlement amount to cover medical expenses, loss of wages, pain and suffering and more. If the amount offered by the insurance company is too low, do not settle. Get in touch with an experienced attorney who can help you handle the negotiation process and maximize your claim.

One common way insurance companies try to get out of paying is by insisting that your injury was not caused by the car crash or playing up your pre-existing condition. It is on you to prove that your injury was caused by the accident and if you have a pre-existing condition, that your pain was aggravated by the crash.
That is why it is important that you describe your symptoms clearly to your doctor when you seek medical attention immediately following the crash. As your condition progresses, always keep your doctor updated. That way, you will ensure that you have sufficient evidence in your medical records that your injury is linked to the crash.

If you have sustained a back injury due to a car crash, seek legal advice immediately. Do not suffer in silence or accept an inadequate settlement amount. The experienced car accident attorneys at Corradino & Papa, LLC can assist with the negotiation process to maximize the compensation you receive. Contact us today for a free consultation.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.