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Springtime Flood Hazards And Car Accidents: How To Stay Safe

Drivers should keep in mind the saying: Turn around, don’t drown! The risk of spring flooding increases the chances of traffic accidents/fatalities. This is especially important considering the recurring tragedies that consistently highlight the dangers in the connection between a spring flood and car accidents.

An Expert’s Opinion

For instance, in Missouri, there were unfortunate fatalities due to flooding not long ago. What’s more, numerous individuals were injured when their vehicles were swept away in two separate flooding incidents. Jeffrey Brewer, spokesperson for the American Property-Casualty Insurance Association, advises motorists against attempting to drive across water-covered roads or bridges.

“When we talk about turning around during a flood, it’s to ensure that you don’t find yourself swept away in the floodwaters.” Brewer explains: “You’d be surprised how little water it takes to lift a vehicle and carry it away.”

The National Weather Service states that 6 inches of water can reach most passenger car bottoms. This can result in a loss of control and possible stalling. A foot of water is capable of floating many vehicles.

The Dangers to Personal Safety and Vehicles Posed by Flooding

Not only is driving across a flooded road extremely risky, but experts also warn that it can cause extensive engine damage. If your car is in floodwaters, exercise caution when starting or driving it – especially if the floorboards are wet or if you suspect water has entered the engine. The electrical components of the car can be damaged, potentially ruining the entire engine if driven while wet.

If there’s a possibility that floodwaters have entered your engine, it’s advisable to have it inspected before attempting to start the car. If your car has been in a flood, it’s recommended that you have it towed to a mechanic who can ensure it’s properly dried out before going through the process of starting the engine and assessing its condition.

Different regions of the United States face varying degrees of difficulty when it comes to traffic accidents related to flooding.

For example, the highest number of vehicle-related flood fatalities and general flood fatalities in the country belongs to Texas.

However, this does not mean that New Jersey is immune to flood-related traffic accidents. There are 477,048 properties in New Jersey with a greater than 26% chance of being severely affected by flooding over the next 30 years. These properties are surrounded by roads, highways, and byways. Stormwater causes significant flooding problems, damaging:

  • Homes
  • Businesses
  • Roads and bridges

That leads to traffic nightmares for commuters.

In addition to traffic accidents, flooding can also result in personal injuries and fatalities within a property.

It’s crucial to have comprehensive coverage for your car, truck, or SUV, as it will provide protection against flood damage. It’s also important to remember this: If your vehicle has been damaged as a result of a flood – on a roadway or within a particular premise – you may have a lawsuit. Could the flood have been prevented? Should there have been a flood warning posted?

To make sure your rights are represented, get in touch with Corradino & Papa, LLC. We can help you determine if negligence or a lack of preventative steps led to the damage or injuries you may have suffered.

Call 973-574-1200 or use our online form to contact a representative.