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Social Media Do’s And Don’ts After A Motorcycle Accident

If you are ever involved in a motorcycle accident and want to file a claim for damages, it is important to be aware of how you handle social media afterward. Insurance companies often investigate your claim with the intention of paying you the least amount possible, and posting information about the accident itself or details relevant to the case can hurt your chances of getting a favorable verdict. In this article, we will talk about the do’s and don’ts of social media after a motorcycle accident.

People tend to post big or life-changing events on social media, and a traumatic experience like a motorcycle accident can make you want to share it online. Remember, however, that it is safest not to post anything about your accident online, especially if you are in the process of filing a claim with an insurance company. The details you post can easily be used against you, and it’s best to discuss your situation with an attorney before sharing it online.

Also, do not share information about your injuries or news about your recovery process, including your diagnosis, doctor visits or medical procedures. Your information could be misinterpreted by the insurance company and affect the amount of compensation you receive.

Don’t Let Others Share Your Accident Online

Friends and family members who know about your motorcycle accident may decide to report it online, putting you in a difficult position to maximize the amount of your claim. Be sure to inform others of your situation and remind them of the confidentiality you need to obtain compensation from the insurance company. If you know some people who cannot withhold such information when they learn about it, you can always choose to remain silent and not inform others about your accident.

Do Keep Track of Your Social Media Accounts

To be on the safe side, check all your social media accounts and set them to private. This way, the insurance company and the public most likely will not be able to investigate your accounts, especially if you posted something about the accident. If you posted something online about it, let your attorney know in advance so they can get the best outcome for your case.

In some accidents, you may only be immobilized for a short period of time. In such cases, it’s important to remember not to post anything contradictory on social media. For example, you may have been unable to walk for a month after your accident, but quickly recovered and were able to return to sports. If you post that you are biking or participating in a run, this can be used by insurance companies against your claim that you suffered a serious injury.

Do Discuss Your Options with an Attorney

If you or someone close to you has been involved in a motorcycle accident, the first thing you should do is contact an attorney for help. Corradino & Papa LLC is a law firm that specializes in personal injury and has the experience to help you understand your options and the procedures for filing a claim. With legal expertise and financial resources, Corradino & Papa LLC is committed to ensuring that all injury victims receive fair compensation.