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Seasonal Surge in Motorcycling

Across much of the country, the arrival of spring is accompanied by a surge in the number of motorcyclists on the roadways. Motorcycling can be a joy, but the stakes are much higher than driving a car.

Motorcycling Accidents

According to the National Safety Council, motorcycles comprise just 3 percent of registered vehicles on the roadways, but riders account for 14 percent of all traffic fatalities. Motorcycles are less visible than autos, less stable (only two wheels in contact with the road), more vulnerable to hazardous road conditions, and riders are less protected.

However, motorcyclists can diminish the risks. It starts with always wearing a safety helmet. In many states, it’s the law. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration states that the simple act of wearing a helmet reduces the risk of fatality by 37 percent and serious injury by 67 percent.

Visibility is crucial. Riders should wear bright/fluorescent clothing and always drive with their headlights on. Headlight modulators are excellent attention grabbers, too. Motorcyclists should avoid other drivers’ blind spots, and when passing a vehicle, they shouldn’t dillydally.

Awareness of road conditions is a must. In the spring, roads might not yet be cleared of winter debris, such as sand, cinders, gravel, etc. They’re also more susceptible to potholes and cracks resulting from winter’s wrath. Potholes may lurk beneath innocent-looking water puddles.

Left-hand turns at intersections can be problematic for motorcyclists—again, visibility is a major issue. In addition, motorists often tend to misjudge the speed of an approaching motorcycle.

If you have been injured while motorcycling due to another driver’s negligence, contact a motorcycle accident attorney to protect your rights.