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Reasons A Personal Injury Lawyer Is Not Accepting Your Case

Through no fault of your own, you’ve been injured. After a fender bender, your neck might hurt. While at the grocery store, you slipped on a wet floor. Now you want to know if you can receive some type of compensation for your injuries (and more).

You call an attorney. Either they won’t hear you out or, once hearing your case, won’t agree to take it. What’s the story?

You may have heard of a personal injury lawyer not accepting a case. If you did, you’ll want to know the reasons for the refusal. Even then, you should pursue other avenues, in most cases.

Occasionally, a personal injury attorney will say, “No” after hearing the circumstances surrounding a possible claim. But why is this? The response could have something to do with the following:

  • They don’t think the collection of a settlement is probable.
  • The damages are slim to none.
  • Liability is questionable or mostly on your part.
  • Your case does not seem affordable to them.
  • The circumstances surrounding your claim do not fall within their area of expertise.
  • Their schedule is too full.
  • A conflict of interest exists.
  • The statute of limitations has expired.

Want to Increase Your Chances?

To lessen the chances of a lawyer saying “no” to the acceptance of your case, and better your chances of being appropriately represented, here’s some advice:

  • Don’t give up before you start. Never assume you don’t have a case.
  • Before you speak to your prospective attorney, make sure you’re completely prepared.
  • If they turn you down, don’t argue. Do, however, have them explain the reasons.
  • Just because one says no, don’t give up. Try other attorneys.


The following could apply to the attorney you’re trying to hire:

  • To determine whether or not you have a case and whether or not they want to represent you, a series of questions will be posed by them. Answer them honestly and completely.
  • The basics of your case will be crucial in deciding whether or not they can take your case. Again, be honest.
  • The attorney you’re speaking to probably is exceptionally busy. Make the most of both their time and yours. Be succinct.

Have you been turned down by another lawyer where the acceptance of a possible personal injury claim is concerned? Do you feel you do have a case and that you deserve just representation and compensation? Here’s what to do…

Do You Have a Case? If So, Turn to Corradino & Papa for Personal Injury Claims

As to whether or not you have a case, the representatives of Corradino & Papa will be completely and totally honest in our assessment. We’ll take into consideration all the information you give us and render our best, educated opinion. That’s what your initial consultation is all about – which, by the way, is free.

Don’t sell yourself short if you’ve been involved in some kind of accident. Hire an attorney to fight for your rights and help you get the compensation you deserve.