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Questions That Can Help Detect The Presence of Nursing Home Abuse

If you have an elderly loved one who is under the care of a nursing home, you may only see them once a week or even less. It is natural to be worried about your loved one under such circumstances as plenty of elder abuse cases have been spotlighted in the media. If you have reason to believe that your loved one has been the victim of elder abuse, here are a few questions you can ask to determine what has happened.

Have your daily activities been restricted by anyone for any reason?

If your loved one’s daily activities have been restricted for a reason that does not have to do with their health or mobility, it could be a sign of nursing home abuse. When someone does not allow or refuses to assist in a senior’s daily activities such as eating, dressing and bathing, they are willfully depriving them of their basic needs. As a result, seniors may be deprived of food and water, medicines and aids they require on a daily basis. Besides that, there have also been cases of seniors being kept from seeing their friends and family members.

Have you been made to feel threatened or ashamed by the way someone talks to you?

Not all abuse is physical – verbal abuse can wear away at a senior’s self-esteem and seriously compromise their mental and emotional wellbeing. In serious cases, it can even lead to mental health issues such as depression, further isolating the senior from their loved ones and other residents in the home. Victims may be reluctant to report an abuser because of threats that have been made to them.

Have you handed over money or signed any unexplained papers against your will?

Unfortunately, cases of financial elder abuse are on the rise. Conning vulnerable seniors out of their life savings, seniors may sometimes not even be aware they have been swindled. There are two main reasons for this: firstly, seniors in nursing homes have no need to track their finances regularly, and secondly, some seniors no longer have the capacity to understand – much less consent to – any financial decisions.

Has anyone hurt you, or touched you without your consent?

Abuse can fall under two categories: physical or sexual, or in some cases, both. If you suspect that your loved one is hiding something from you, check for any marks or bruises on their body, and ask them how they got it. Seniors with mobility issues are particularly vulnerable to this kind of abuse as they are unable to defend themselves against their abuser.

If your loved one has answered yes to any of the above questions, it is important to find out who has been issuing such orders and lose no time in taking the appropriate course of action: seek legal advice immediately. At Corradino & Papa, LLC, we have over 25 years of experience advocating and winning cases for victims of wrongdoing, and will fight tirelessly to protect your loved one. Contact us to start your free consultation today.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.