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What Pictures Should I Take After a Car Crash? — Question of the Month

The minutes and hours following a car crash can be stressful and traumatic, and it can often seem difficult to organize one’s thoughts. However, it’s also the best time to gather evidence in support of a claim to your insurance company or against the driver at fault. With smartphones in almost every pocket, the ability to snap pictures is usually right at hand — but you may not know where to start.

However, as suggested by Corradino & Papa, a Clifton-headquartered personal injury law firm, gathering photographic evidence following an accident can be invaluable to your legal options later. Photos from the scene tell a story that words can’t say,” said Jack Corradino, a name partner in the. “What should you take pictures of, though? That’s a question we often hear from our clients.”

If you end up in a car accident, Corradino & Papa suggests keeping the following tips in mind to simplify the process of gathering evidence after a crash. You should attempt to photograph:

  • The overall accident scene. Work to include wide-angle shots where possible is showcasing the general area of the accident, including the position of stop signs, traffic signals, and road markings. If skid marks are present from the crash, photograph these as well. “It can also be helpful to look for vehicle parts, such as broken glass or detached fenders, and photograph their position too,” says Corradino. “This helps establish the accident pattern.”

  • All vehicles involved in the crash, yours and others. It’s important also to take pictures of the position of the cars involved, and whatever damage occurred to them. “Try to take photos from several angles, paying particular attention to details of the damage,” Corradino continues, “but don’t get too close. You should still be able to understand the subject of the picture.” Do not forget that you should photograph damage to the other car as well.

  • Any injuries you may have sustained. “Maybe the most important picture you can take is the one that demonstrates your injuries that resulted from the car crash,” says Corradino. If you experienced cuts, scrapes, bruises, or other visible injuries, take care to document them — and seek medical attention immediately. “You can’t see every injury,” Corradino added, “such as a concussion or a TBI. Medical records are an important asset in such cases.”

“If you cannot take the photos yourself, such as when you require medical attention,” says RC Papa, Jr., the firm’s other name partner. “Take care to ask a trustworthy friend or family member to come to the scene and take the photographs. It’s valuable evidence that you don’t want to miss.”

About Corradino & Papa, LLC

Corradino & Papa is a versatile personal injury law firm operating in New Jersey with a track record of success against individuals, corporations, and insurance companies. If you’ve been hurt or had your property damaged in an accident, take care to document the scene with these tips — then contact Corradino & Papa for legal support without delay.