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Pedestrian Injuries In Construction Zones Are A Serious Issue

Roads require construction work from time to time – not only are they necessary for upkeeping functionality and safety standards, they can be a welcome improvement in the area as well. However, with a section of the road cordoned off, drivers and pedestrians suddenly have a narrower strip to navigate around. Needless to say, this has increased the number of pedestrian injuries in construction zones.

Whether you are an employee or a pedestrian, if you or a loved one has been the victim of such an accident, it is important to understand your rights and what kind of compensation you are entitled to.

Pedestrian Injuries in Construction Zones: Statistics

In 2018 alone, 754 people were involved in fatal work zone accidents and a further 45,500 injured. Out of the number who were killed, close to 64% took place in construction zones! Furthermore, from 2011 to 2018, pedestrians accounted for 16% of the total number of fatalities in work zone accidents. This shows that the problem is far from mitigated, and that existing safety measures have to be more strictly implemented. However, accidents cannot be prevented altogether – only minimized – despite the level of precaution taken.

Reasons for Pedestrian Injuries in Construction Zones

There are several reasons accidents can occur in construction zones, with slightly over half owing to lack of or improper seat belt use. Speeding accounts for approximately a third of these accidents, and alcoholic impairment 20%. Besides that, accidents are more likely to occur between 6AM to 9PM than 9PM to 6AM, as understandably, the bulk of construction work would be done within the first time window.

Safety Regulations

What is being done to minimize the number of accidents in construction zones, you ask? The OSHA requires signs, cones and barriers to be clearly visible in work zones. Alternative traffic control routes are determined by the project managers, and signs and barriers put up in appropriate locations that cannot be missed. This is to ensure that employees as well as other pedestrians and drivers can easily identify the proper alternative routes, avoiding the “usual” route that will put them straight in the path of dangerous construction activity or the flow of traffic.

We all have a part to play in reducing the number of accidents in construction zones. As much as project managers should ensure that employees only work within the stipulated range, third-party drivers and pedestrians can do their part by slowing down and obeying all signs within construction zones.

Seek Legal Help If You Have Been A Victim

If you or someone you know has suffered from pedestrian injuries in construction zones, it is important to seek legal advice immediately. At Corradino & Papa, LLC, employees can work with our experienced work accident lawyers who are well-versed in the latest regulations around workplace benefits and compensation. If you are a pedestrian, our knowledgeable personal injury lawyers can champion your cause and get you the compensation you deserve. Get in touch for a free consultation today!

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.