- What Is A Jackknife Truck Accident And How Do You Prove Liability?
Jul 28, 2022
Every year, jackknife truck accidents and other truck accidents cause thousands of injuries and deaths on American highways. If you were injured in a jackknife truck accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your lost wages, medical bills, and suffering. Thus, it is critical to understand who can be held accountable for your injuries if you are involved in a jackknife truck accident. Depending on what happened during the incident, the truck driver or...Read More - What Happens In Interrogatories In A Personal Injury Case?
Jul 28, 2022
Interrogatories are one way to gather evidence in personal injury cases. They are written questions that one party to a lawsuit sends to another party, who responds in writing and under oath within 30 days. Before your case goes to trial, there is a lot to do because you and your attorney need to build a personal injury case. Aside from helping you gather evidence, interrogatories can also be used to obtain information relevant to...Read More - NJ Sideswipe Motorcycle Accidents: Who’s Liable?
Jul 28, 2022
Sideswipe motorcycle accidents are common and can result in severe injuries to the victim. Because motorcyclists don’t have the protection of a vehicle body like truck and car drivers do, the injuries sustained can very often be serious. Read on to find out more about sideswept accidents, how you can determine liability as well as what you should do when you have been involved in one! What Are Sideswiped Accidents? A sideswiped accident occurs when...Read More - A Guide To Claiming A Rear-End Motorcycle Accident
Jul 28, 2022
Motorcycle riders might be seriously injured in a rear end motorcycle accident. If you are involved in such an accident where the other driver is liable, you can file a lawsuit and seek compensation. Victims of rear-end motorcycle incidents and many other sorts of accidents have the right to sue under civil law. The accident can cause you to incur costly medical bills or vehicle repairs and a lawsuit allows you to claim these expenses...Read More - 3 Damages You Can Claim In A Big Rig Truck Accident
Jul 28, 2022
Big rig trucks can be spotted on major highways in the country. Accidents involving big rig trucks can be catastrophic. These vehicles are enormous and heavy, and they are likely to do significant damage. If you or somebody you know is a victim of a big rig truck accident, an experienced Common Causes of Big Rig Truck Accidents Motorcycles, cars, and pedestrians share the road with huge trucks. According to the National Safety Council,...Read More - Four FAQs About Truck Accidents In NJ
Jul 28, 2022
Have you or a loved one been involved in a What Should I Do After an Accident? After you have been in a truck accident, the first thing to do would be to seek medical attention. Even if you feel fine or don’t have any visible injuries, you should still get checked out by a medical professional. Some types of injuries don’t show up until much later, and by then, you would have a...Read More - What A Motorcyclist Needs To Do After A Left-Turn Accident
Jul 28, 2022
Compared to other motorists, motorcyclists are more vulnerable on the open road and have a higher risk of accidents. Left turn accidents are a common type of collision between motorcycles and cars and are among the deadliest. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports that left turn crashes involving motorcycles account for nearly 40 percent of all motorcycle crashes. So what should you do when involved in a left turn motorcycle accident? Read to...Read More - What Qualifies For Punitive Damages In New Jersey?
Jul 28, 2022
While most personal injury damages are awarded on the basis of the injured party’s losses, punitive damages are quite different. Instead of compensation for the injuries suffered by the plaintiff, punitive damages are intended to send a message or punish the at-fault party for its actions. In New Jersey, such damages are rarely awarded. However, if the defendant’s actions were dangerous, undesirable, or horrific, punitive damages help deter both the defendant and others from committing...Read More - Tips On Preparing For The First Meeting With Your Personal Injury Attorney
Jul 28, 2022
After conducting research and shortlisting a list of What Should You Bring to the First Meeting with Your Personal Injury Attorney? There are several important documents you should prepare for your first meeting. They include: A copy of the official police report: this is the most crucial piece of evidence as it indicates all the information on the accident like the date, time, and possible causes. Photographs of the scene: Any photos or videos...Read More - How A Garbage Truck Accident Claim Case Is Settled In New Jersey
Jul 28, 2022
When you have been involved in a garbage truck accident in New Jersey, you may be at a loss over what to do. Because most garbage trucks are owned by corporations or state-funded agencies, you may be wondering how you can take on these large entities. Here is where an experienced Garbage Trucks Are Prone to Accidents Because of how large garbage trucks are compared to the average vehicle, this can make them difficult...Read More