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Overcoming Different Types Of Bias In Your Motorcycle Accident Claim

Compared to other drivers on the road, motorcyclists are often viewed as reckless and accident-prone. This widespread bias against motorcyclists often hurts their chances of receiving fair compensation and is common among the various people involved in the claim, such as the police, insurance adjusters, and judges. If you are involved in a motorcycle accident, you need to be well prepared to obtain a favorable verdict in your case. Here are three different types of motorcycle accident claim bias and how you can overcome them.

Although they are smaller than other vehicles on the road, this bias against motorcycles is illogical. Not only are motorcycles highly visible in rearview and side mirrors, but they are also loud enough to be heard by motorists. Accidents are often caused by drivers changing lanes and disregarding the right-of-way of motorcyclists.

All Bikers Are Reckless

Many experienced motorcyclists are not reckless and take extra precautions to ensure their safety on the road. They recognize that riding a motorcycle is inherently more dangerous than driving a car because of the higher likelihood of being injured in a serious accident. Those who have official training are also less likely to get into an accident or suffer serious injuries. A cautious driver also does not assume they will be involved in an accident and does not drive recklessly.

Bikers Are Too Fast On the Road

Those who are prejudiced against bikers often imagine them on their motorcycles, speeding by. However, many motorcyclists do not ride motorcycles that are specifically designed for high speeds on the road. Most motorcyclists have an average speed of about 15 mph, and most accidents involve motorcyclists who were traveling between 21 mph and 29 mph.

How To Overcome Bias Against Motorcyclists

The most important thing to do is to talk to your attorney about comparative negligence, which means that both parties in the accident are partially at fault. If possible, you need to make sure that the other driver was at fault and that you had no responsibility for the accident. Next, you should gather evidence that you were driving as safely as possible. You can look for such evidence through security cameras, maintenance logs, and accident reports to reconstruct what happened before the accident. Another way to overcome these biases is to obtain witness statements from other drivers or pedestrians. It also helps if you have a clean record on the road, as this will make it more difficult for insurance adjusters to discredit your claim. Finally, make sure you have all of your medical records on hand to prove the extent of your injuries so you can receive proper compensation that will cover your medical bills.

Filing A Claim? Consult With Corradino & Papa LLC

Corradino & Papa LLC is a law firm that specializes in personal injury cases. If you need expert legal advice, we can help you understand your options for filing a claim and ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. Contact Corradino & Papa LLC today for a free consultation.