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NJ Personal Injury Claim Misconceptions

When it comes to settling a personal injury case in NJ, there are some common misconceptions that can stop people from engaging an attorney to represent their best interests. However, many of these beliefs are untrue and having an experienced attorney on your side can make a world of difference. We address some of these misconceptions in this article.

Despite what many people may think, hiring a personal injury attorney can prove to be very cost-effective. This is because many law firms operate on a contingency fee basis, which basically means that you do not pay any fees until your case has been resolved successfully. That’s right: initial consultations are free and the attorney does not get paid until and unless you win.

Some people may think that hiring an attorney is unnecessary as the insurance company will evaluate your situation objectively and give you a fair settlement. This is untrue: insurance companies have to act in their own best interests and this translates into finding ways and means to minimize the amount paid to you. If you are not well-versed in legal knowledge, you may just accept a lowball amount which can easily be overturned by an experienced attorney.

Some people may decide to try resolving the case by themselves with the reassurance that they can always engage an attorney later, if they have failed to reach an agreement they are satisfied with. While that may be true depending on the specific timeframe you are working with, there can be time limits that apply to your claim and by the time you are willing to engage a lawyer, time may have run out. You could even have made a mistake at the start of the process, even if it is by failing to act. Do not allow your case to be undermined by being too slow to hire an attorney.

This is not totally untrue: some complicated cases can drag on for years. However, the majority of cases never go to court, being settled between you and the insurance company and running on a significantly reduced timeline.

Have you or a loved one sustained injuries due to someone else’s negligence? If that is the case, your best bet of obtaining justice and maximizing compensation would be to engage a personal injury attorney. This compensation can extend beyond medical bills to include loss of earning potential, pain and suffering, cost of ongoing rehabilitation and more.

When you engage our services at Corradino & Papa, LLC, our experienced lawyers will be with you every step of the way, from the evidence gathering process to testifying in court if necessary. We do not receive any fees until you have successfully received a settlement. If you would like to discuss a case, please feel free to contact us.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.