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Most Common Motorcycle Injuries

A growing number of motorists are purchasing motorcycles due to their lower costs, reduced maintenance requirements, and ease of use. However, this has also led to an increase in motorcycle injuries, especially when the collision involved a car or truck. The trauma sustained by motorcycle operators can be severe, due to their lower protection and greater bodily exposure.

The human anatomy contains 206 bones, and while these bones don’t have pain receptors the injuries are still excruciating since they will affect the tissues that surround them. The damage can also lead to a fluid buildup which causes muscle spasms and swelling. Bones that are fractured as a result of a motorcycle accident must be attenuated, reset, and then reinforced so they can heal naturally. If the fracture is not adequately treated it can cause complications or permanent disability.

Soft Tissue Damage

Soft tissue damage usually involves injuries such as torn muscles or bruising. These injuries tend to be closely associated with bone fractures but the difference is that while a bone fracture can heal in about six months, soft tissue damage will take much longer, and in some cases might be permanent. Skin that has sustained this type of damage may appear inflamed, discolored, or may swell.

Spinal Cord Injury

This type of injury involves damage to the nerves of a spinal cord. It is one of the most serious injuries that a person can sustain as it can compromise strength, the feeling of sensation, and a variety of other bodily functions. The ability to operate your limbs in the aftermath of a motorcycle accident will depend on 2 factors, which are the location of the damage as well as the severity to your spinal column.


Some motorcycle accidents are so catastrophic that doctors will make the decision to amputate the limb of a patient in order to save their life. While this procedure has become increasingly rare in Western countries, there are times when it is the only option available due to damage that has been sustained to nerves, soft tissue, and bones.

Brain Injury

Vehicular accidents involving a motorcycle can lead to severe brain injury that causes permanent mental and physical impairment. Brain damage results from a rapid deceleration or acceleration inside the cranium or through an intricate combination of movement combined with sudden impact. Although damage is sustained due to the initial collision, a number of subsequent events can worsen it, like blood flow alternations within the cerebrum and skull pressure.

Partial Paralysis

Paralysis is a debilitating event where one is unable to operate their body normally. Even if this occurs temporarily, immediate medical attention will be required to avoid permanent injury. Paralysis resulting from motorcycle accidents usually involves damage to one’s nervous system, particularly the spinal cord, nerves, or brain. Once a person becomes paralyzed they will be unable to use or control specific muscles since the nerves will no longer receive or transmit signals to the brain.