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Mistakes That Will Ruin Your Car Accident Lawsuit

A rough average of about 6 million accidents take place every year in the US. Have you recently been the victim of a car accident? So you can be compensated for repairs to your vehicle, injuries you sustained, and more, have you filed a lawsuit? If so, it goes without saying that you’d like to win your case. But to get what you deserve successfully, there are some common mistakes to avoid.

You can easily ruin your car accident lawsuit success by committing one or more of the below-stated errors. Do your best to avoid doing the following:

Far too many people today air their dirty laundry on social media. In the case of your pursuit of a successful car accident lawsuit, this could be disastrous. Rest assured, the other person’s insurance company will use anything against you they can, including social media posts.

Something as seemingly innocent as posting vacation pictures after the accident could lead the other person’s insurance company to say that your life has obviously not been negatively affected in the least by injuries, financial concerns, etc.

Signing Insurance Company Forms Without Your Attorney Present

Without an attorney present, try to avoid talking to the other insurance company. Additionally, without having an attorney read through them first, make sure that no papers of any kind have your signature on them. You may be giving up your right to a favorable settlement.

Saying “Okay” to a Fast Settlement

The insurance company wants to settle things as quickly as possible. Don’t do it. The sooner you get legal representation, the sooner they can deal with the insurance company to see to it that nothing is skipped over or neglected in the pursuit of a quick fix.

Failing to Gather Evidence

It’s important to gather as much information and evidence as possible, even though you may feel disoriented and anxious after a car accident. Be sure to do all you can to gather the following:

  • Take pictures of the damage to the other vehicle and that which your vehicle sustained
  • Take pictures of the entire scene where the accident occurred
  • Try to get statements from witnesses
  • Make sure those witnesses give you their contact information, names, etc

When taking pictures of the accident, act quickly to make sure the vehicles stay in the position they were in immediately following the incident.

Giving Too Much Information to the Insurance Company

The insurance company of the other person involved in the accident is on a need-to-know basis. Don’t tell them what they don’t need to know. It might be tempting but avoid the temptation. Give them the basics, and the basics only. Avoid doing the following:

  • Discuss who was at fault
  • Provide a recorded statement
  • Talk about your injury

Always let your legal representation do the talking.

Waiting for an Extended Period of Time Before Taking Action

Procrastination will get you nowhere with your lawsuit. After the accident, you may feel overwhelmed. But to win your case, you have to act quickly. Start gathering accident details, call your insurance company, and visit a doctor immediately. Also, get legal representation.

Thinking That Your Injuries Are Insignificant

This constitutes one of the biggest errors made by car accident victims. Never, ever neglect seeking medical care, and never underestimate your injuries.

As quickly as possible, you must see a doctor following an accident, even if you feel good in the hours and days after. Following an event such as a car accident, it may take days for symptoms to show up.

Avoid Costly Mistakes by Contacting Corradino and Papa, LLC Immediately Following Your Car Accident

Though the above-stated information should be of great assistance in helping you to avoid mistakes that could ruin your chances of a successful car accident lawsuit, one of the best moves you can make following a traffic incident is to contact the law firm of Corradino and Papa.

We can also help you with representation involving a motorcycle accident, truck accident, workers’ compensation issues, dog bites, and numerous other types of personal injuries.

Get in touch with us today for a free consultation.