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Learn How To Avoid Winter Sports Injuries

Sports injuries are common, even amongst the most well-trained athletes. When it comes to winter sports such as skiing and snowboarding, the risk of accidents can increase due to snowy slopes and ice. While knowing what precautions to take and watching out for others can go a long way, sometimes winter sports injuries can occur as a result of an individual or entity’s negligence. An example of this would be the facility failing to conform to safety regulations, although many other scenarios can arise.

Winter sports can be dangerous, with the potential for serious injuries to occur. Some common injuries that can arise from participation in winter sports include:

  • Concussions: Concussions are always a risk when engaging in contact sports, and this is exacerbated by the slippery surfaces of winter sports such as ice hockey. When a player falls and hits their head, concussion can occur which can result in death and disability.
  • Sprains and Fractures: Torn ligaments, dislocated shoulders and sprained ankles are all common injuries that can be sustained from participation in winter sports.
  • Spinal Injuries: These injuries are not to be taken lightly as they can result in paralysis in serious cases.

However, this does not mean that you should stay away from winter sports altogether. It is possible to have fun while staying safe when certain precautions are taken:

  • Always make sure you are suitably bundled up for the weather and that you have on the right safety equipment including body padding, gloves, helmets and goggles.
  • If you are a beginner, it is best to take instruction from a qualified instructor. When in doubt, always seek guidance.
  • Take breaks as and when necessary and stay hydrated.
  • Do not wander off into unfamiliar surroundings unaccompanied.
  • Be aware of your limits and do not try to push yourself beyond your level.
  • Keep an eye out on the weather and cease all activities if you feel that your safety is being threatened.
  • Seek medical help as soon as possible following an accident or injury.

If you have sustained a winter sports injury as the result of another party’s negligence, your best bet of obtaining justice and maximizing compensation would be to engage a personal injury attorney. When you engage our services, our experienced and competent lawyers from Corradino & Papa, LLC, will be with you every step of the way from evidence gathering to testifying in court if necessary.

We understand the emotional turmoil that can follow a personal injury accident and will work with you to maximize the compensation you receive, which can extend beyond medical bills to include loss of wages, pain and suffering, wrongful death and more. If you would like to discuss a case, please feel free to contact us.

Disclaimer: Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.