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Key Questions To Ask When Choosing A Car Accident Lawyer

With the number of car accidents that happen daily, no matter how careful a driver we are, we can’t help but worry about the risk of us getting involved in one someday. Should this really come to pass, what we need is good support and advice to ensure we get the compensation we need. Trusting someone to represent your interests and rights in a legal battle is not easy. There are many factors to look into and thus it is normal that we only want the best lawyer that can help us get the compensation we deserve. Here are some questions you will need to ask a car accident lawyer before engaging them.

What Areas Do You Specialize In?

This is the primary question that will tell you if the lawyer you are speaking to is the right one. Every lawyer has their own specialty, and choosing one that specializes in car accident lawsuits will be greatly beneficial. They have all the necessary experience and knowledge required to handle your case. This is not to say that truck accident lawyers or motorcycle accident lawyers cannot represent you but as their expertise is not in car accidents, they may not be as familiar with the nitty gritty that goes into such cases.

How Many Cases Have You Represented Before?

This question will allow you to know how much experience and preparation they have had to handle your suit. More experience usually means more confidence. You can also ask about their success rate. Find out how many similar cases they have won before. You will surely be more confident with a lawyer that has had a high winning record.

How Long Will The Case Take?

Lawsuits can drag out for long periods of time. Although your case may seem simple and straightforward, there is actually a lot of work that goes on behind the scenes before you can get your compensation. Upon evaluating your case, your lawyer will be able to determine the time needed. Knowing the time required allows you to set a plan and timeline with your lawyer.

How Much Are The Fees?

Everyone knows that hiring a lawyer is pretty costly. It will do you good to enquire the costs required so you can better shortlist and select a lawyer whose costs fit your budget. You will probably want to find one that works on contingency, meaning that they will not collect any money from you till you have received your settlement. Most personal injury lawyers ask for a percentage of about 33% of the final settlement amount. If your case goes to trial, this cost will increase. Make sure to read the paperwork on payment closely.

How Much Is My Case Worth?

This is the main area of concern. After all, this is why you are seeking legal representation. Your lawyer can give you a good estimate of the amount they are looking to acquire for you. This will also help you evaluate whether the lawyer costs are within your acceptable range given the estimated compensation amount you will be receiving.